You break your arm (requested)

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Pairing: Taylor Swift x (female) reader Warnings: None Requested: Yes

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Pairing: Taylor Swift x (female) reader
Warnings: None
Requested: Yes

It had been nearly a week since the accident, you were still in the process of healing.

Thankfully, Taylor was there to take care of you and she's done enough. The week before, you were hanging out with an old friend while Taylor was spending time re-recording her 1989 album at the studio.

You and your friend decided to do something you've enjoyed since childhood and that was skateboarding. Because of the period of time skateboarding, you'd be considered a champion at it. You both skateboarded for a while before deciding it was time you call it an end and go home. Neither of you wanted to but you figured it was alright since you had been missing Taylor all day and you had the ride home. (F/n) was the one to come up with the idea to have a little competition and race home. Of course you were up for it, even though it was getting dark and the lights on the street weren't bright enough to see through your way.

Despite the dim lights, the bike trail was a blend in the dark and it made it nearly impossible to find your way back home, even if you are with someone or on your own to fend for yourself. The first thing you know is all that was happening was you and your friend (F/n) were having a good time together. Neither of you wanted it to end but you really missed Taylor today and seeing Taylor would make your day as it always had. However, going home would be prevented in your unlucky  favor of fate when things turned a little south. The both of you went down the hills that led down into the neighborhood where the home you and Taylor shared.

The house is huge, and the best part of the beautiful home was the fact that the ocean was literally the backyard. It was the Rhode Island home, part of the eight luxurious homes across the country.

(Taylor's Rhode Island home)

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(Taylor's Rhode Island home)

Of course the home and property were breathtaking, but all that mattered to the both of you was that it was just a home.

Neither of you saw it any other way, other than a safe haven of some sort when public's eye got a bit much for you to handle. You both needed space, and it seemed as though everyone had forgotten about the two of you during a small hiatus. Eager to invite (F/n) inside for a quick tour of your home, you made sure you were ahead in case she begins to get second thoughts about your offer. Let's just say things didn't go quite as according to plan when it comes to skateboarding in the dark. Despite the dim street lights, neither of you had seen what was ahead, which was a little stump on the sidewalk and your skateboard wheel went over it first, causing you to lose balance and take a great fall.

A fall that caused you a broken arm, the fall was hard on impact and made you roll over three times after being flung off your skateboard. Not a single noise had come out of you the who way, not even after the last roll. Although you were hoping no one beside you and (F/n) were there to witness it, a couple passerbys had seen it all and called you an ambulance, claiming they heard an awful crack loud enough, you might as well landed in front of them. The ambulance had come and your friend insisted on riding over with you, but you asked her to get Taylor and tell her what happened instead. So that's what she did, your skateboard was no longer safe to ride after the damage the fall had done to it but while Taylor waited for you in the waiting room of the hospital, (F/n) went to the gift shop and bought you a brand new skateboard for when you can skate again.

The crash gave you a broken arm, which you needed surgery on obviously, you got minor cuts and bruises as well. But thankfully, it was going to be a quick healing process and Taylor was there to take care of you in the end. During your recovery, not only did you have Taylor by your side, but (F/n) was there next to you as well. Once you were well enough, you were able to give her the grand tour of your Rhode Island home you both shared.

The recovery was a long road at first, but thanks to Taylor's care, it picked up and before you know it, you were fully healed. You still had a cast on, but that didn't stop you from skateboarding, you kept going like anyone would. Taylor was reluctant at first, but than you go onto tell her what your mother would say in times like this.

"It's just like getting bucked off a horse, Tay. You get right back on, even with a broken arm.. especially when it's nearly fully healed."

Taylor still didn't like the idea of you going back so soon, but she loved you so much that she had supported you instead of judging you for this choice you're making.

"Alright, have fun and be careful."

"I will."

Taylor pulls you in for a hug as she looks to (F/n).

"Watch out for her, will you?"

"I promise."

"Good. Now go and have fun, just don't be so late."

With that, the two of you happily left the house to proceed skateboarding together.

Requests are open!!!

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