9| rooftop drama

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After the whole situation in the store, I held the bag containing our food as we made our way to the large, unused library. It was a shame that many people though that they were "too cool" to be in here but I thought it was pretty nice

I looked up and admired the dark wood that held the books, two stories with a spiral staircase and indoor balcony. It looked like something out of a movie and for once I was glad this school made too much money, at least it was going to good use. This place was beautiful.

We took a seat by one of the book nooks, it was a small table but it would work for the both of us. I opened the bag as she joined me to sit, passing Avery her stuff.

"Thank you, this place really is amazing" She looked around in awe. Glad I wasn't the only person who thought so.

"I know right. This place is so calming" I explained. I opened up my vitamin water and started to eat my chips.

"So do you usually spend your study period in here?" She asked me swallowing the food in her mouth before speaking. I watched as she reached for a napkin.

"When I have time I like to come here, if not I usually go home to eat quickly if I have practice that day" I answered finished my snacks.

"Your schedule seems busy" She scrunched her nose.

"It is but I enjoy it, keeps me going" I laughed.

"That makes sense, my anxiety would not let me do that" She joked.

"Which class is next?" She looked at me placing her trash into the plastic bag.

"Science" I rolled my eyes. It was a easy but boring class, we never did much but notes.

"Not a fan?" Avery joked.

"Not really" I shrugged.

"Me either, why do I need to know every cell in the body?" She groaned. She leaned back in her chair causing her hair to fall over her face.

I leaned over pushing it to the side, looking down to see her staring at me already. I smiled when I noticed her blush starting to form before backing up.

"Any plans for lunch?" I asked.

"Nope just getting watched from every angle possible" She gave me a straight smile.

"How about we go out then?" I suggested. I knew the looks were making her uncomfortable and I didn't mind going out to eat anyways.

"Sure! Where to?" She seemed happier now, her frown replaced with a smile.

"It's a surprise" I shrugged my shoulder with a smirk.

"Fine" She crossed her arms.

The bell had rung signaling that class had ended and the next was about to start, we packed up all our stuff and threw away our trash before walking to the lab. On our way there I could tell we were getting more stares than usual, I wasn't sure if it was because I was rarely seen with a girl or if it was because of Avery but I knew she didn't like it.

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