34| move in

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2 months later

"I'll miss you sweetie!" My mom pulled me into a tight hug with tears in her eyes.

I was hoping she'd hold it in a big longer knowing I had an ongoing bet with Easton.

"Momm. Don't cry, i'm only 2 hours away and i'll be home every break don't worry" I tried to lighten up the mood with a small laugh. Even I was fighting the urge to not sob like a baby.

Who wouldn't?

This is going to be my first time living away from my mom and I knew it would be hard on her too. Ever since my dad died it had just been the two of us and we had gotten pretty comfortable with that. Of course that all changed when we moved here but this was a completely different situation, we'd be separated.

"One last picture!" She wiped a stray tear of her cheek with a large smile before placing me perfectly in my dorm room.

If there was one thing about my mom it was that she would get a picture of everything. I really wasn't sure how she had enough storage for all of this.

The camera flashed a few times before she eventually put it down. We both turned our heads to the door after hearing a knock.

"Susana, are you ready?" Greg peeked his head in.

"Yeah" I could tell she was hiding a frown, she never wanted to seem sad around me.

As if he could sense it too, he walked over to her placing a comforting arm on shoulder.

"Okay Avery, have lots of fun but be safe." She emphasized. "Oh and make sure you call me or i'll be calling you!" Placing a kiss on my cheek she said her goodbyes.

"Bye hun. Remember Easton's not to far so if you need anything don't be shy. Have fun kiddo" He wrapped one arm around me while using his other hand to ruffle my hair.

Even though we hadn't known each other for long I was happy that he treated my mother so well and me. I wasn't his real daughter but to anyone who didn't know, they wouldn't have guessed it.

Now that I was out of the house I'm even happier she has someone and won't be lonely.

"Bye Greg. I'll miss you guys, love you both" We waved our final goodbyes as they exited the room, telling them to get home safe.

As I looked around my partially decorated room I searched for my stuff that was laid out across the floor in boxes. My roommate, Lydia had still not gotten here yet but she reassured she would be any minute. While my mom was here she thankfully help me set up a little while Greg dropped Easton off.

My brother had gotten lucky since he, Blake, and Landon were all playing hockey for the schools team. With Blake and Landon's fathers being who they are, they scored a private house to theirselves nearby campus without an issue.

We had only gotten through half of my stuff which was mostly my bedding and clothes. Now I just had to set up the decorations I had brought to make it my own.

Oh, and how could I forget. My new book shelf! Greg and my mom had gotten it for me before we came down as a surprise and I loved it. It fit perfectly in between my bed and desk and even doubled as a nightstand.

After I finished I had glanced around. It was perfect! The only thing missing was my best friends touch.

Her side of the room stayed completely empty since she was still no where to be seen. I picked up my phone to see if she had texted me any updates when I heard a key jangle in the lock.

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