30| morning me

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With yet another trip planned I was grateful to get to see everyone before we all left for college. I had still not heard back from SCU and was beginning to worry if I would get in or not.

Lydia had called me last week to open her now acceptance. As much as I was happy for her, reality sunk in that we might not be going to the same place anymore. The boys were already set in stone there since they had their hockey scholarships in line. Now it was just my turn.

Packing the last of my items into my suitcase and duffel bag I hauled them down our large staircase, for once cursing it. I sighed tiredly as I finally made it down leaving my luggage by the front door to say our goodbyes.

For once Easton had been up earlier than me but I was sure that was to get as much breakfast as he could before this trip.

"Susana I'm seriously gonna miss this while we're gone" He told my mom as he licked his plate clean earning a laugh from me.

"Don't worry as soon as you're back i'll make you whatever you want!" She smiled cheerfully. It made me happy to see how well they got along although I didn't love sharing her food.

"Morning guys" I yawned as I lazily walked in the kitchen taking a seat at the island beside my brother.

"Here hun" Greg smiled softly as he walked past me, placing down a cup of coffee.

"You're the best!" My face lit up as soon as I smelt the caffeinated drink.

"Do you want some before you have to go sweetie?" My mom turned towards me.

"Sure I'll take a little" I smiled graciously, her food was way too good to say no to.


After about an hour, we had cleaned up and hugged bye.

"We'll see you kids soon" Greg waved.

"Love you guys! Have fun" She beamed from the doorway as she watched us get into Landon's car. He had offered to come pick us up after getting Blake and Lydia as well.

"Love you too!" We replied in unison. Once the car had left the driveway the front door shut and we were off.

"Hey!" I greeted excitedly. I hugged Lydia who had sat in the middle, her boyfriend next to her while Landon and Easton were up front.

"Hey girl! I'm so excited. Mexico baby!" She cheered.

"Too early babe" Blake gently patted her lap with a plead full look.

"Sorry! Are you excited or what?" My best friend whisper-yelled in my direction to not further bother the rest of the car.

"So ready!" I responded in the same tone, causing us to laugh.

For the rest of the ride to the airport it was hard to concentrate on anything when I could feel and see Landon's eyes glancing to me ever so often through the car mirror. He could even pull off being hot at the ass crack of dawn.

Meanwhile I was sitting in the back in a comfy sweatsuit and slip on shoes. I couldn't have even been bothered to put on makeup this morning either, leaving myself in a bare face with my hair up in a claw clip.

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