29| interrupted 

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As I sit in Blake's house, my body sinks further into the couch as I watch the rest of the boys continue their game of beer pong. Ever since Avery's birthday my mind has been all over the place.

I meant I really like her, I do, but I've never done this whole girlfriend thing. What if I mess it all up? She deserves someone who makes her happy and gives her what she needs yet I'm worried that can't be me.

I guess I had been "slumping" over this for too long since Blake joined me, the couch dipping as he took a seat. "What's up man?" He asked questionably.

"Just got a lot on my mind" I waved off.

"Well I have about 20 minutes until Easton's terrible skills make his team lose then it's us again" He smiled cheerily. "Cmon" Pulling a joint from his pocket he stood up to walk to the back of the house.

I shook my head with a small grin before following him out. Blake could always tell when something was up with any of us, even if we didn't want to talk about it he would still let us know he was there and open to it.

The cooler night breeze was nice against my flushed skin. Beer and unresolved feelings for ya.

"Everything okay?" My best friend asked as he sat on one of the outdoor patio couches. He grabbed the joint from behind his ear, placing it to his mouth before bringing the lighter closer.

"Yeah" I sighed deeper than I had intended, taking the seat next to him as he passed over the weed.

I hardly ever got high but I wasn't opposed to the idea. Now that we were in off season the rules could be bent a little further until training picked back up.

Already being accepted into college under a hockey scholarship was a dream, I no longer had to stress about whether I was good enough or not to get in. Blake, Easton, and I were the only seniors from our school to make it in and were we proud.

"I won't bug you if you don't want to, but you know i'm a great listener especially when i'm high" Blake tried giving his best smile with his already droopy eyes and smoke coming from his mouth as he spoke.

"Nah you're good man, it's just all this stuff with Avery" I said running my hands over my face.

"Problems already?"

"No not like that. I really do like her and I want to make things work but I've never done this before, I don't even know where to start! What if I mess everything up and I lose her. That's worse then never giving us a chance" I admitted solemnly.

"Dude" He passed it back to me, continuing to talk. "Anyone with eyes can tell that you guys are into each other. Just because you haven't tried dating before doesn't mean you'll fail, and I'm sure if you let her go by being stupid you'll regret it in a couple of years"

Maybe he was right. There was no point in letting her go without even giving us a chance. Now I just needed to decide how I would make us 'official'?

As if he could sense what I was thinking, he chirps back up. "Oh and start slow. Don't just attack her instantly with the questions and 'I want to date you'. You have to show her you're serious" Blake pointed a stern finger in my direction.

Over the course of us all getting to know Avery, most have gotten pretty close with her. Even far enough to be protective. It sort of irks me since I want to be the only one to do that but I love knowing that she'll be safe and protected always. Even if it's not from me...

"Like dates? We've gone on those" I replied thinking back to our few run ins with incompetent waiters. At least everything after was worth it.

"No. It has to be bigger. Especially if you want to make her your girlfriend" He patted my shoulder speaking in a duh-tone.

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