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'Hnng...So..Tired..' Curled up in a ball i laid pliant as i laid my head against the ground, The sound of water grew quieter as the rain stopped. I sat up and gripped the bars of cage, poking my head near the gaps of the cage, looking around.

People of the village looked at me with disgust as they walked past me, or ignoring me doing their own daily buisness. Sighing i sat back and relaxed my back on the other end of the cage.


Quickly turning around i saw a cat sitting next to my cage, staring at me. I scooted over and reached my hand through the gap of the cage to pet the cat but she backed up and ran away.

'Aw...she was so cute..' Sighing again i retracted my hand and was going to lay back down but heard another noise,


'Huh?' Turning back around it was same cat, holding a fresh picked fruit, she nudged them her head and they rolled towards me, quickly reaching my hand out i ate the grapes with a happy smile.

"Thank you!" I smiled brightly before a kick was sent towards my cage, Flinching i jumped back and hid within my arms. The cat fled at the motion.

I looked up and it was the village chief, He looked very unhappy.


I yelped in pain as the leather came in contact with my skin, I tried backing away but he pulled me closer with the rope tied between my hand and kneck, grabbing my hair and harshly throwing me to the ground.

I yelled in pain as i struggled against the restraints, yet to avail ofcourse i couldnt get away. He grabbed my hair once again and threw me back into the cage, calling me a demon child and closed the cage door before locking it and walking away.

I cried as i curled into a ball, 'Why me!, im not a demon not...', Sobbing as i hugged my knees.


Huh? Looking up i saw the same cat once again, she came close and laid near the cage, i slowly extanded my arm and stroked her fur. She flinched at first but quickly leaned into the touch, puring.

The Witch""Where stories live. Discover now