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'he lookes like he hasnt slept in awhile..'
"-From my brother? I already know about what happened, Uhm...Are you both ok? you look pale."

You've just come to tell us useless shit anyway! It's because he became a swordsman despite having No great talent. That's why he died!! Pathetic-kyoujurou's just a fool of a son!!"

(end of recap)

'is that his father? looks like a complete nuttcase to me.' I messed with my temporary mask since i left my bautta at home, tanjiro bought it for me since the stares i kept receiving were making me uncomfortable.

"Peoples powers are decided the moment they are born." I went over and covered senjurou's ears, I kneeled down and pulled him into a hug to cover what his father is saying.

"A small fraction of people have talent, the rest are just riffraff garbage without value! Kyoujuro was like that, lacking in any great talent, ofcourse he was going to die!" He yelled with harshness and anger in his voice.

'Jeez old man' He then aimed his sights at senjurou,


Senjurou began crying as he just looked away and hid into my chest, I grew and angry and glared at the man while hugging senjurou tightly.

"And you're the supposed 'Crow' from upclose you just look like some bashed up freak! Those stupid stories are probably fake! You dont deserve such a damn title",

'Who the fuck does he think hes talking to?' I clenched my fist about to go up and beat the guy but tanjiro stopped me and stepped infront of us.

"HEY, Thats a really cruel way to phrase!! Please stop talking like that!" Tanjiro seems angry but stood by hugging senjurou making sure he doesnt get involved.

"Huh? whats up with you?! Get the hell out of my threshold!" The man spoke starting to get angrier.

"I'm, from the demon hun-" Before tanjiro could finish his sentence the man dropped his alcohol and began moving forward with an aggressive expression.

"You. i see you're...
A 'Breath of the sun' user right?! Thats right!!"
He pointed towards tanjirou,

"What? 'Breath of the sun', what are you talking about?" Before tanjiro could see it he was slammed into the ground, senjurou ran out of my grip and went to stop his father, "Kid wait!"

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