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Part one:


Mike had always been close with the Byers family, so it was overall very sad to see them leave. After all of the fighting and trauma, Hopper and Joyce had decided to get a new start by moving to California. They truly were sad about it and didn't really want to, but they knew it would be best for their family that they were attempting to keep safe. They cared about their kids and only wanted the best for them, they were only trying to keep themselves safe.

Mike found himself in an empty room next to a closet, watching his girlfriend walk out the empty doorframe, before pausing. "Wait.." She said, spinning around and walking over to Mike with a teddy bear cuddled up in her arms.

Before Mike could speak, El was kissing him, and Mikes eyes flew open for the whole kiss. When El was done, she smiled at him and walked out, leaving Mike there. Stranded. Mike just noticed, and came to a conclusion, he wasn't in love with El. There was a reason their relationship was horrible, its because he never loved her. Or at least doesn't anymore. That got him thinking. And that just made him confused.

The van pulled out as Mike watched while the Byers family drove away, leaving Hawkins behind. Mike instantly went home, teary eyed, moving like a robot. There was so much to process. So much. Too soon. His mother wrapped him in a hug as he just simply stared off. He already missed them. Especially Will.

Wait a min...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora