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Part 2

Mike Wheeler had the whole school year to get a new campaign, organize a group, and overall adjust to a lifestyle without the Byers and progressing into high school. That being said, Mike still managed to be able to visit California through the summer and greet the Byers. First, he got everything new, attempting to show he was definitely straight. He was a new person, improved and better. He could do this, and he would.

Unfortunately, in reality he was not as brave as he thought he was when it actually came to the advent. He kissed his girlfriend, as usual, after so long of not seeing each other, but when it came to Will, he kind of froze. Will went in for a hug, but he went in for a shoulder pat where Will kind of just stood awkwardly. 

Then, there was that painting. The one that El mentioned in her letter. "What's that?" He asked. "Oh, it's nothing." Will replies, shrugging as Mike just nods. 

It was something. El said it was for someone he likes. Is that true? Will had changed a lot. His voice was deeper, and he was slightly taller. He still wore the same clothes with flannel and jeans, along with that iconic bowl cut of his. Of course. Mike decided it would just be best to ignore Will. He could do this. He wouldn't be there for too long, and he could get through it. He got through a whole entire world crisis with so many deaths and monsters from another parallel universe! He should be able to go through this. He knows he can.

He thought he could. Well, he did, but it was hard.

The painting.

The damn painting.

Will sat next to him in the van during the chase for El, and was comforting Mike with random words that Mike didn't really focus too much on. That was, until Will gave him the painting. Was it for him? Why did he give him this? Huh?

Mike revealed the painting only to see a beautiful painting, and his eyes just shined. He looked at it with awe. "Did you paint this!?" He says, realizing the answer before it was said. Of course he did. Will was an artist.

"Yeah!" Will says, and Mike just smiles before Will scratches his neck before quickly adding, "Yeah, well, El commissioned it." 

Mikes smile went down a bit. So El commissioned it? Well in the letter she never said that... it wasn't making sense, and it really didn't make sense when Will started crying after giving him a lecture of how much El loved him. Was he talking about himself? Did he make this for him?

No. Most likely not. Still didn't explain the crying, but theirs no way. No way. So, Mike just let Will be. He let Will cry, truly not wanting to make things worse. He cared for him, but he was also confused in so much. Too much.

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