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Will arrived a few minutes later while Mike was chatting with Dustin, though Mike observantly noticed that he was not alone and was indeed accompanied by another person. The other person was a taller male, maybe 5'10 or 6 feet? They had dark brown hair that covered some of their eyes and had tan skin with some scars and freckles. They were wearing a chain necklace with a white t-shirt and a black jacket with it. Mike noticed that they had multiple rings on their fingers and some connected, going down to their hand. They were also wearing grey pants with brown shoes. 

Will on the other hand had changed. Mike noticed he was still shorter, and still had that bowlcut that only Will Byers could pull off. He was wearing a white and black flannel with brown pants. His face structure changed the slightest, but Mike could still remember him clearly.

Mike snarled to himself when he noticed the contact between the two boys. Will was attached to the taller one's right arm, chatting away. This made something in Mike full of hatred, and he instantly made up his mind that he despised the other boy.

"Will! There you are!" El exclaimed as she caught eyes on the two. At this moment, Will turned his attention to the group and faintly smiled while El made her way to him.

El talked to Will for a bit before retreating back to the group, and instantly everyone but Mike was on Will which seemed to finally break him apart from the other boy. 

"Its been forever!"

"How have you been?"

"We missed you!"

Mike made his way over. When he got there he cleared his throat.

"Hey, Will." He says. "Oh, hi!" Will replies in a soft, cheerful voice.

"Er, who's this?" Mike asks, motioning over to the taller boy.

El cuts in. "Thats his stupid boyfriend, Rei." She says in an annoyed tone.

Mike freezes. He zones out.

A boyfriend? When? Why didn't they tell me?

Was Mike not good enough? Who even is this guy? What does Will see?

I should have called more..


It was Will.

"Oh, sorry what?" Mike asks, turning his head up to Will who was looking at him with a concerned expression.

"I was just saying that Rei has a car outside and we can drive to your place with it there if thats okay." 

"Oh, yeah sure."

They all followed out of the airport to the car lot. There were some decent cars. A few BMW's, some Hondas, and Mike spotted one rich looking Lamborghini Countach. As they approached it, Mike noticed that they stopped and the car beeped. 

Will got in the front passenger seat.



Oh shit.

This is the car.

Dustins jaw dropped.

"MAN!" He exclaimed, examining the ride. "This is yours?!" He said, looking at Rei who nodded and got in the drivers seat.

The rest of them shockingly got in the back, looking around in amazement. 

"Will, you never told us your boyfriend was rich!" Lucas says to Will.

"Oh, um its nothing much, hah." Will replies nervously, getting comfortable in his seat and looking out the window.

The car starts and Rei pulls out, one hand on the steering wheel and the other on Wills thigh. This just made Mikes hatred grow.

After what seemed like a never-ending torture of Rei and Will just totally flirting the whole ride, they finally pulled up to the Wheelers residence. Dustin reluctantly got out, waving goodbye to the car but not before going up to Rei and begging him for another ride in the future. 

They got in the house and Mikes parents greeted them, giving Will and El a nice welcoming before offering them drinks in which El asked for tea and Will politely declined. 

They all sat in the living room.

"So, how'd you two meet." Max asks, looking at Rei straight in the eye as if it was an interrogation, which it probably was. "Oh, well we just kind of have seen each other around California." Will replies, and Max shakes her head. "I want to hear from him." She says, pointing to Rei who clears their throat.

"Them." Rei makes eye contact with Max which is the first time Mike had seen them do. Their stare looked like knives piercing into your soul. Even Max who always stood her ground gave up a little to this. "Sorry, um, them. Uh, but how did you two meet?" 

"I see him at his school. We also have seen each other at clubs and bars. We never specifically met; we just saw each other until we eventually interacted." 

Mike flinched at their words. Mike didn't like to hear Rei speak and judging by everyone else in the room, he was not the only one. Rei had a voice that was a bit raspy but also deadly. It was kind of terrifying, though there was nothing scary that he could possibly directly point out. It was just unsettling. 

"Okay." Max says with a bit of anxiety behind her words. 

No one questioned further. They just all sat in silence until Mrs. Wheeler came out with tea for El, not seeming to notice the tension around the room even though Rei was staring at every single one of them.

Rei slumped into the couch and Mike noticed them fidgeting with their rings, staring at the TV. Will curled up to Rei's side and hugged him. Mike didn't like this, but he knew better than to interject. Rei was fucking terrifying, and Mike was starting to think that there was no way that he could possibly even talk to Will at this point. So, he just sat next to Will and watched as a movie began on the television that was turned on by Max.

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