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When the movie was over, a lot of the group was asleep. Mike hadn't looked behind him all movie, but finally took the courage to, and saw Will cuddled up next to Rei, fast asleep. Though, Rei was wide awake, and when Mike looked up at them, Rei looked back with a cold, haunting stare.

Mike quickly made his way upstairs, not wanting to be in that room any longer, even if it was one he'd been in practically a third of his life. When he made his way to his own room, he was quick to close the door behind him and press his forehead against the wall. He let out a sigh, before collecting himself and getting ready for bed.

There was no one home but the dog. I was sweating, and quickly ran to the house phone. Johnathan should have been home by now, where was he? I dialed a number that came to my head out of pure reflex, not even processing what it was. But then, the phone didn't work. It was no coincidence, I was targeted. Then, my dog barked and the door started unlocking itself. I watched as it came undone from the inside, but before the door could open, I ran as fast as I could to the shed in the back, quickly closing the wooden door behind me and grabbing a gun. Out of trauma, I knew how to shoot. My father used to teach it to me when I was young. The memories brought me tears, but now was no time to sympathize. I quickly inserted the bullets with shaky hands, and brought the rifle up to shoot. Then, there was silence. Nothing came at me, it was just silence. I waited for it to come in front of me, but it never did. There was then the noise coming from behind me. I didn't have to think twice before I realized what it was.

Will woke up with panic, breathing heavily as he sat up from the couch, clutching the blanket nervously and meeting the eyes of Mike who was eating breakfast while sitting in a chair.

Mike sat his breakfast aside and made his way next to Will, putting an arm on his shoulder while Will suddenly collapsed in his arms, hugging him and sobbing. It took Mike off guard, but he didn't complain, and Will needed comfort. After a few moments, Will sniffled and retreated away from Mike. "Thanks.." Will mumbled, and Mike nodded with a sad look on his face, feeling lost from the lack of contact and sympathy for Will. It was heartbreaking to look at him, but he didn't have time to say anything before Will was gone, the basement door shutting behind him.

The cereal was soggy now as Mike picked the spoon up, gathering some milk and dropping it back in. His mother would say, Stop playing with your food, Micheal! but she wasn't there, so it didn't matter. Mike still missed Wills touch, he fit perfectly in his arms and needed comfort at all times. 

Wait, what am I thinking?

Mike shook his head quickly and got up, going upstairs and going straight towards the kitchen and emptying out his cereal. He was heading upstairs to his bedroom when he heard something coming from the guest bedroom. It was some giggling and mumbling that Mike recognized as Will. Slowly, Mike walked to the room and opened the door just a tad, barely making any noise while he looked through the crack, and what he saw made his stomach drop. Will was pinned against the wall by Rei, and they were being way too touchy. Something in Mike felt the need to get Rei away from him, but he knew he couldn't. He couldn't move. 

"Love you." Will mumbled, but his voice was obviously fake to Mike. Well, it was real, but it definitely could have been more real. Rei only grinned, leaning in and kissing Will quickly, and Mike had to tear his eyes away when things got too heated for his liking. It was not long before Mike found himself in his room, sitting down on the floor and panting. He almost wanted to cry, but he didn't. He couldn't, he was strong and definitely not into Will, and this Rei guy doesn't mean anything. Doesn't change anything, at all. Will was sure to get a partner someday, and Mike knew that.

But then why did he feel this way when it finally happened? It was stressing him out too much, and it didn't help when he heard the door lock in the other room. He didn't even want to think about anything that was happening.

I should just get over it. He thought. Its none of my business.

But, something in him said it was wrong. The side of him that agreed with his father. That he was wrong for thinking the way he did, and that he should get over it by pressuring it on others. Though, why couldn't he? Why, every time he thought of Rei, it was hatred, but with Will, it was innocence?

He couldn't bring himself to say anything to Will, but he would to Rei. He had to stop thinking about this, and Mike was not one to discriminate, but god he would to help his life. Just not in front of Will. Him and Will were completely platonic, and there was nothing going on. 

Mike was completely normal.


Short chapter, ran out of ideas lmao.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2023 ⏰

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