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King Aziz stormed into his chambers, only to see that his wife was fast asleep on their bed. Looking at his wife, one would compare her to an angel, but he knew that she was far worse than she appeared.

"Wake up!" King Aziz shouted, causing his wife to jump up from the bed. She looked tired and drained from all the overthinking she had been doing in her sleep. She got off the bed and looked at her husband.

King Aziz did not look pleased with her; rather, he looked much more furious than he had earlier.

"You have just shown me that you have no heart at all, and I regret the day that I married you." King Aziz spat those words at Lily. Six months ago, hearing Aziz regret marrying her would not have hurt her, but now, those words ripped through her like a sword piercing her heart.

"Where is Tom? What has he said?" Lily asked her husband as she tried to get answers from him.

"Tom could not say anything," King Aziz responded, and this left Lily baffled that Tom would not testify to get her out of this mess.

"Why not? He knows that I would not think of killing you; please just let me speak to him," Lily begged, but her begging only seemed to have made King Aziz angrier than he first looked.

"Tom cannot speak on your behalf because he is dead," King Aziz informed her. This news was one that Lily had not expected. She suddenly felt dizzy; the room spun, she felt herself falling off her feet and she landed on her bed.

This news was one that Lily could not stomach at the moment; Tom was dead, and there was no one to defend her.

"So tell me, Lily, why did you kill him?" King Aziz asked her, and his question shocked Lily so much that she turned her attention towards him. She gathered the last of her strength, stood up, and walked towards her husband.

"I did not kill Tom; how can you even think that of me?" She asked her husband.

"Oh, please, Lily, you had your lover killed so that he could die with your secret," King Aziz told his wife. His eyes were bloodshot red as anger filled his veins.

He hated accusing his wife, but all the evidence proved that indeed she was guilty. He wanted his guards to bring Tom along, and that way he would tell him who the real culprits were.


"So what did you find out?" King Aziz remembered the conversation with his guards as they walked into the throne room.

"I am sorry, my king; it seems as though we have failed you, and I apologise for this," Fahd stepped forward as he told King Aziz. King Aziz was confused as to what Fahd was saying to him.

"How have you failed me?" King Aziz asked his guards.

"Tom is dead, my king," Fahd reported to him, and this sent King Aziz into a rage.

"Dead! Why did you kill him? All I asked was from you was that you bring him to me." King Aziz scolded his guards; the clocks in his head spun as he worried that his wife would not be proven innocent.

"My son, calm down. Let them speak." His stepmother tried to calm him down, but King Aziz was too angry to listen to her. His stepmother walked towards Fahd, and in her queen-like manner, she questioned him.

"Fahd, I ask you, what happened?" The queen's mother asked Fahd.

"My king, when we arrived at the orphanage, we went into Tom's room, and we found his dead body. It seemed as though he was stabbed with a dagger to the chest," Fahd informed him.

"So he was likely murdered?" King Aziz asked, even though he already knew the answer to his question.

"Yes, my king, Tom was likely murdered," Fahd responded to King Aziz, and this revelation opened a flood of doors. Aziz could help the flood of ideas flowing through his mind, and one was that his wife had murdered Tom.

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