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"It's you?" Lily asked, and the man looking down at her smiled.

"Yes, it is me, my queen. I know you probably have a lot of questions to ask me, but now is not the time," the man told her.

"But—" Lily tried to argue, but the man stopped her by placing his huge hand over her mouth. The smile was gone from his face, and he seemed serious. Even though Lily had mixed feelings about him but could not explain them, she trusted him for some odd reason.

"There is no time to talk, okay? Just follow me." The man told her and Lily simply nodded in agreement. He took her hand in his, and they began making their way to board the plane.

"So what happened to the other guy who came with me?" Lily whispered at the man.

"Don't worry, I took care of him." The man responded, and when Lily turned her head, she saw that he was smiling. They both came to a stop; he turned to her and smiled. He took out a boarding pass and a booklet.

"Here is your boarding pass and identity."

"Wait! Won't they know it's me if they look at my identity card?" Lily asked the man as panic set in her tone.

"Do not worry, all the documents are fake, and all you have to do is pretend to be someone else. Don't worry, I have my men throughout the airport, and they will make sure that you are not caught."

"Thank you." That was all that Lily could manage to say as a tear fell from her eye.

"You are welcome, my queen, and have a safe journey." Lily said her goodbyes, and just as she was about to pass through security, she stopped and turned around.

"Take care of him," She mouthed at the man.

In return, the man smiled at her and said back that he would do just that.

Flashback ends

Lily stared at her mother, who was still taking her time to absorb all that her daughter had told her, and in all fairness, it broke her heart.

"Do you want some tea?" She asked her, and Lily did not respond. She knew her mother as a strong woman, but even now, she was trying to be strong for her. Her entire life, she knew her mother to be a strong woman; even when her father was killed, her mother stood strong for the both of them.

"Mom, you don't have to offer me tea every time you do not want to talk about something," Lily joked, trying to lighten the mood, but in this instance, it failed miserably. Her mother looked away from her, trying to hide the tears in her eyes.

"I'll get us a cup of tea," Her mother told her. She then stood from her chair and walked into the farmhouse.


The waiters made way for both King Aziz and his trusted bodyguard, Fahd, as they walked into the restaurant. The restaurant was closed to the public so that only the king, Fahd, and his other bodyguards would be there.

Even though King Aziz did not feel like going out, he knew that he had to go out and get his life back on track. The table right at the window was arranged for them, both King Aziz and Fahd, and they had their menu brought to their table.

"Thank you," King Aziz thanked the server, who smiled at him. She left the table, leaving only Fahd and King Aziz to converse all by themselves.

"You see, your people still love you, my king," Fahd commented, and this only made the king smile.

"This means nothing; this young woman has nothing but lust in her eyes," King Aziz responded, knowing that Fahd only said what he said to comfort him.

"My king, she looks pretty; maybe you should court her and—"

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