Chapter 1, Part 1: To Survive

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Danganronpa Season 53 Discussion Board

User/Acebaby: Woah, that's an interesting start.

User/StanThePan: Aren't there supposed to be sixteen students?

User/THEULTIMATEHOPE: Yeah, what's with the new 18 participants? We never saw anything about Vex or Clara.

User/LuckytheDog: They seem cool tho!!

User/Acebaby: Maybe why they're there is one of the mysteries they'll have to solve?

User/PanPanic: You might be right @User/Acebaby.

User/UltimateQuestioner: What are we thinking about Vex and Clara's odds in the game?

User/LydiaLolz: Poor Vex keeps getting shot down with her questions.

User/DisPair: @User/UltimateQuestioner not sure about their odds, we haven't had any promotional stuff so it's hard to say.

User/PanPanic: @User/DisPair, @User/UltimateQuestioner. Maybe we'll learn more about them both in the upcoming chapter.

User/DisPair: I mean Team Danganronpa usually captures their interactions outside of the murders so we should learn more about them.

User/AvocadoToaster: Yeassss!!!

User/JunkoEn0shima11037: NGL, but I agree with Angie, Vex and Clara do seem to have a strong bond already.

User/PanPanic: Yeah, but some of the others also seem to have strong bonds too. Like Tenko with Himiko and Kaede with Shuichi.

User/AvocadoToaster: Does anyone else wonder why Vex gives the other cast members nicknames?

User/Acebaby: I think it's kinda cute that they give people nicknames, but it is odd that she gives those that aren't as close to her (like Kaede as Keyboard) but the closer cast members don't have any (like Clara).

User/StanthePan: I find it funny how this discussion board for season 53 turned into a discussion board about Clara and Vex.

User/Acebaby: Well when you aren't given any information about two new characters you have to start questioning what's up.

User/AvocadoToaster: I've noticed Clara acts a bit like Kaede while Vex acts a bit like Kokichi, Anyone else notice that?

User/PanPanic: Yeah, but I also see some other aspects in them too. Like Vex seems to act like Nagito a little too.

User/LuckytheDog: Secondary Protag and Antag type? Funny how they're friends.

User/£RR0R: Oh My god, @User/LuckytheDog, you're right!!!

User/Acebaby: Well, Nagito and Hajime were friends up until the first trial... I hope it's not gonna be the same case with Clara and Vex.

User/APerson: Guys, the next chapter is being aired now! Maybe we will get some answers!

User/£RR0R: Or more mysteries...

[ Type here ] >


*Outside the building*

Clara: Sooo...

Vex: Hm?

Clara: Found anything that looks like an exit?

Vex: Nope, but look. *Points at the Exisals.*

Clara: Eep!

Vex: They aren't that scary are they?

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