7. The Silhouette

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Whether it was by lying to himself or by blocking the topic from his mind entirely, Wooyoung handled himself better than he expected. The next morning, his survival instinct was keen as ever. Find food, find shelter. Worry about the rest later. Yunho taught him painfully well, not leaving room for needless sentimentalities. Both always knew there was no peaceful getting old together. If they didn't starve, the predators of this world would one day become stronger than them and rip their flesh from their bones. All their promises were mere dreams.

San didn't ditch him immediately. He waited until Wooyoung was up and checked on the blisters on his hands from working the shovel. Only once they were ready to set out, he addressed the situation.

"So, what now? Where will you go from here? The caves still make the best shelter."

Wooyoung hugged his knees to his chest. His duffle was tied and slung across his chest, waiting for another adventure. Idle, he dug his feet into the sand. Unseeing eyes stared at the shovel by San's side. He had returned it so San could exchange it back for something of worth. Its last purpose would get buried in the passage of time.

"I honestly don't know. I would have gone to the caves to tend to Yunho there, but I doubt they are for me by myself. Best to keep moving."

San nodded wisely.

"It's safest."

Wooyoung's eyes were still bleary. He blinked to strain them against the dull skies. The nearby orb was surrounded by water gatherers again, crawling on their thin ladders like ants to access the treasure of the skies. Maybe Wooyoung should find work with them? At least he would have something to do.

"Then which direction are you going into for your musings? I'll return to the trader first. Perhaps we can travel further."

Pity laced San's muffled voice. As if he felt bad for ditching Wooyoung in his most vulnerable moment. Nothing could bring back Yunho, and Wooyoung was but a ghost of himself. No stubborn flame burned in his eyes to keep him going.

After a while of contemplation, Wooyoung sighed.

"Whatever. Let's go together and see if we can find some loot. I will be out of your hair by the caves at the latest."

San could accept that. He offered Wooyoung his hand and pulled him to his feet. They dusted off their pants and were on their way.

Wooyoung trudged behind San. Though he should think about a new plan, his head was wiped empty. He felt lighter after crying most of the night, but all that remained was the hollow shell of his heart. If San left him alone, he might have died foolishly to a coyote, since he didn't monitor his surroundings. As a pair, however, San kept an eye out for him.

Though Wooyoung was grateful for his wordless help, he could only amble along, brain-dead like a foul.

He didn't know how long San's charity would last. When he had to return to his own business. While Wooyoung hoped foolishly to find Yunho, San knew all along it was a desperate heart's yearning. Wooyoung did the one thing one should never do as a raider. He put his faith in another person. Losing his lover was just as cruel as getting betrayed by a friend. In the end, it was everyone for themselves.

However stricken by his grief, Wooyoung was glad to find out he didn't get as numb to his surroundings as he feared. At first, he thought it was his mind playing tricks on him. A reflection of the light, a dancing shadow. Perhaps a coyote wagering its chances of taking out both of them.

It was none of those. It was a silhouette following them through the desert, ducking behind rocks and shrubs whenever their gazes swiped across the landscape. Though humanoid, they moved with a swiftness unlike the fouls. Yet they didn't approach the duo either.

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