21. The Rifle

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Wooyoung and San didn't exchange a word about what transpired between them. Though the reminder insistently throbbed through Wooyoung's thighs at every step and undoubtedly ghosted through San's mind the same way, neither addressed it. Wooyoung stared out of the window while San drove and hummed sporadically to Mingi's tales about the desert.

Jongho expected their return, and he was ecstatic to see that the car was still in shape. He opened the door for them and they pulled into the safety of the shelter. More than ever before, Wooyoung wanted to collapse on his bed and scream into his pillow.

He didn't regret, not quite. If he told himself anything other than that they had no choice, he might claw his eyes out. But his regret haunted him. The awful, stale taste of having betrayed Yunho. Could Wooyoung dare go that far with another man, further than what he had done with his boyfriend? Even if he was gone, it seemed like dancing on his grave. As if Wooyoung had to hide away in shame now and never tell anyone about it. He couldn't bear the judgment otherwise.

When San finally departed from the group to rest in his room, Wooyoung glared at the back of his head. If anyone made crude comments, it would be him. Him and his constant reminders that Wooyoung loved another yet offered his thighs to him...

Wooyoung shook his head to himself. It was a necessity. And it wouldn't happen again.

Since Mingi had to go out to do his business, Wooyoung helped him stock up his cart. As usual, the trader couldn't foresee when he would return, but he hoped this would be his last trip back and forth before the start of the mission. Jongho and Wooyoung saw him off, not worried about his safety. Mingi knew his way around.

Once alone, Jongho marveled at the jeep with his hands stemmed onto his hips.

"I can't believe it actually works. And it didn't break, no, it didn't. How was San's driving?"

Wooyoung shrugged, careful not to think about him too much.

"It got us back and forth and he didn't ram into anything. Let's hope it's enough for Anda."

With a firm nod, Jongho swiveled in his chair. "It will be. And if he tires, he can explain to us how it works. Seonghwa might have something in his databases."

Perhaps Wooyoung should visit the AI after a nap. He needed someone impartial to talk to and Seonghwa didn't jump to conclusions the way humans did.

Before he could ask, Jongho's face lit up with even more good news.

"Speaking of! Look what I have for you!" With a grand gesture, he stretched his hands out for the gun. It was cleared of leftover scraps and tools, throning in the middle of the table in its sleek black grandeur. At once, Wooyoung was awake when Jongho picked it up with meticulous hands. He ceremoniously handed it over for Wooyoung to look at. Already, its weight felt just right in his hands.

"It's done?" He uttered in awe as he eyed the flawless exterior.

Jongho pushed his chest out with pride.

"Finished just earlier. It was a pleasant surprise for your first successful mission in my team."

Speechless, Wooyoung turned the rifle in his hands. It had an extended barrel and a scope for long-range shots. The body was sleek and pressed into Wooyoung's shoulder perfectly as he tried it out. The balance was better than any weapon he ever wielded, and the trigger smooth.

Lowering it, Wooyoung met Jongho's eager eyes.

"This is magnificent. Thank you so much." He meant it.

Just to play coy, Jongho waved it off.

"A small price to pay for my life. Thanks to you, I can help my light."

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