23. The Pool

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The adrenaline of their success kept everyone on cloud nine. For the entire evening, they rushed through the cave like ants through their hill. A million things suddenly needed to be resolved alongside the prior plans and they barely found the time to catch their breaths. During the hurry of dinner, Jongho finalized the call.

Everything was ready. Seonghwa needed to get to the facility in Anda as soon as possible and their equipment was packed. After another day of rest, they would depart in the morning.

Wooyoung scarcely slept that night. His excitement tingled in his bones and urged him to move. He wanted to interview Seonghwa about how he thought about his triumph, wanted to drink some of their water and wanted to go over their route once more. Seonghwa had maps for them, thankfully, even if they were based on the world before the apocalypse.

After a few hours of merciful rest, Wooyoung stumbled from his room. One last day. Though he hadn't stayed in the shelter for long, it had become a place of comfort. He hated to leave his bed behind, but sleeping in the car wouldn't be so bad either.

He sat together with Jongho and ate some beans for the morning when Mingi approached them. His stride was grander than usual and his face looked scarily serious. Almost expecting to hear he had dropped and destroyed Seonghwa, Jongho perked up. Blending with the shadows, Wooyoung silently witnessed their conversation.

"I have a favor to ask," Mingi announced as he sat with them on the ground next to the car. Jongho's tools were strewn about, meticulously checking that every screw was where it was supposed to be.

"What is it?" It was late for any grand favors.

"Take me along." Mingi crossed his legs and leaned into their little circle. His eyes shone with the same intrigue as last night when they witnessed the light of hope for the first time.

Jongho dropped his spoon and fumbled to pick it up. Beans forgotten, he tried to make sense of Mingi's change of mind. Nevertheless, his eyes sparkled.

"Why? Why now? Why not before? You weren't interested so far, even when you knew Seonghwa's abilities."

"But now I saw," Mingi stressed. "I figured it out. If we succeed, my business will boom. Everyone will want to support their saviors. This is an excellent marketing strategy. Take me along and I can supply anything you need. If we make it, everyone gets a lifelong sale. We can build a whole new market if we are the first."

A sly grin spread across Wooyoung's features. Mingi knew when to strike gold.

"I think he would be perfect for the team," he offered, always down for an opportunity like that.

Jongho nodded eagerly.

"Of course, yes! You helped us for so long, we know how good your abilities are! I had no hope that you would join us by this point, but... You are more than welcome in the team now," their leader beamed. Mingi rubbed his hands as his vision of a golden future manifested before his inner eye.

"Count on me. We will bring Seonghwa where he needs to be and be right back. Can't send you out there with the crippled leg."

"What about me?" Wooyoung complained around a mouthful of beans. His glare was playful and Mingi grinned back at him sunnily. His front tooth was crooked, giving him something unexpectedly childish despite his intimidating appearance.

"You should take a bath before we leave. Don't worry, we have everything under control."

As they always did. Jongho and Mingi made such a good team, Wooyoung would have been heartbroken to see them part into an obscure future. He could tell how heavy of a weight fell off Jongho's shoulders. He must have dreaded losing his partner, similar to Wooyoung.

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