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I woke up all tired my body was aching all over and a severe headache shot my head "ugh" i groaned and checked the time suprisingly i woke earlier than i usually do i washed my face and got ready

"Come down for breakfast nobita!" Mom called me and i ran down with no appetite forcing myself to eat a portion. I quickly left for school when i reached there a crowd was forming outside the class

'Is there a fight or something?' I thought and  pushed through the crowd inside the classroom.i saw dekisugi standing beside my desk as some bullies were mocking him.'those bastards!'i thought but My eyes widened when i saw the notebook dekisugi was holding it was my secret notebook where i wrote down my feelings for him. I gasped 'no way!'

"Oh the f*ggot is here!" One of the bullues said turning to me then dekisugi turned towards me  looking at me with  disgust in his eyes

"D-dekisugi" i said my voice shaking. He stayed silent for some time and finally spoke

"Nobita i didn't know you had feelings for me" he said with a harsh and disappointing tone

"N-no dekisugi i-i can-" i was explaining as he cut my sentence

"It's disgusting"he said i felt myself getting all pale and body shaking. Not a single word came out of my mouth "i don't think i can be friends with you from now on..."he said walking away i was reaching out my hands to grab him but he was too far away

"! Dekisugi! Don't! I'm sorry!" these were the only word i could utter as i ran after him not being able to reach him
"DON'T LEAVE ME !!" i yelled and shot up from the bed panting not processing what it was 'A dream? But it was so real'  i felt the tears as i rubbed my eyes. I checked the time and i was late. Quickly i rushed to get my uniform wearing it i ran out of the house ignoring my mom when she told me to eat something

"Hah..i made it" i said to myself as i walked down the corridor to find the exact same scene from my dream a crowd gathered outside my classroom. I froze scared from what will happen. I gathered my courage marching towards the class when i finally went inside i saw two guys bullying a guy one was tall and other was fat. i was relieved it wasn't exactly as my dream but i was furious that they were bullying the  guy before i could say something dekisugi spoke defending the guy

"Hmm? What do we have here mr. Smarty pants playing the hero part huh?" The taller  guy said even though he was tall he seemed small in comparison to dekisugi's built and height

"What did he do to you!?" Dekisugi said with a furious look

"Nothing" the bulky said

"What? Then why are you bullying him?!" Dekisugi asked and the two guys grinned devilishly

"Cause we love weak people they are so fragile it's fun bullying them!" The fat guy said both laughing

"You!!" Dekisugi said punching the tall guy before he returned the punch the teacher entered the class

"Why is everyone gathering outside? go to your own classes!" The teacher yelled
He then looked at the two bullies "you two also go to your class!" He said

"'re lucky the teacher came next time I'll make sure to beat you to pulp" the bully said walking out as teacher was yelling at them. I was standing at the door he pushed me and walked out  i got up and walked towards my seat i paused on the way

"are you okay?" I asked dekisugi

"Yeah" he nodded and we both went to our seats

'I havea bad feeling about this' i thought

unrealistic illusionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن