can i tag along?

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《I'M REALLY REALLY SORRY!!! I know i keep apologising but sorry i didn't update for so long!!!》




"Hey don't call me that! I feel old when you call me grandpa" i said to sewashi who was hugging me

"But you are my grandfather??" He said as he let go of me and greeted doraemon

"Yeah but just simply call me by my name right now" i said and sat on the chair

"Okay nobi...nobi-san!" He said brightly 

"That's better and  why are you visiting all of a sudden?" I asked and looked at him

"Oh..umm..could you let me stay here for a couple of days or a week?" He asked with a nervous expression

"Huh? Why?" i asked 'why is he asking to stay here?  Could something have happened?' I thought

He hesitated a bit before speaking "just something...please let me?" He said in a low voice. He seemed like he didn't want to tell or wasn't ready to tell.
'Hmm' i thought for a second and let out a huge  sighed

"Okay but just for a week no more" i said clearly and he smiled

"Thank you grand- i mean nobi-san!" He said and i also smiled ' but the bigger problem was how would we convince our mom to let him stay?! Not just one or two day but for a whole ass week?' I thought to myself


(After some time)

"Whew" i threw myself on the cair and leaned in the desk. Somehow we managed to convince mom and dad that sewashi was my cousin using one of doraemon's gadgets...'now the small problem is solved let's look at the bigger problem'

"Argh! I still have to go with dekisugi and sizuka" just then i received a message from dekisugi

--The text--

Dekisugu : nobita please can't you come with us?😔

Nobita : i already said no..

Dekisugi :  Come on nobita it'll be fun please!

Nobita : okay fine I'll go...

Dekisugi :  yay!  Be sure to come tomorrow
                   and on time too!

Nobita : okay


*sigh* i sighed and slumped suddenly sewashi was behind me

"Where are you going tomorrow?" He asked and i jumped

"Waa! You-you scared me!" I said and let out a big sigh "and did you peek at my text just now?"

"Yeah..sorry but where are you going?"
He asked

"Festival.." i replied not wanting to talk about it

"Ohh! Can i come too?" He asked as he was clearly excited "i wanna see  how the festival is like in this time period"

"Uh.." i hesitated and thought about it. "Umm okay if you want to"

"Really?! Okay" he said and smiled. Yeah he would be a great distraction from dekisugi and sizuka

The next day


Everyone were waiting for nobita to arrive. They all had decided to meet at the ground dekisugi and sizuka arrived already but nobita was nowhere to be found even though dekisugi texted him to be there on time.

"Sorry everyone i was late!" Nobita said as he arrived at the ground panting. He was wearing a dark blue yukata with a cloud type of pattern. And he wasn't alone sewashi was also there right behind nobita

"Finally!" Dekisugi said and he walked towards nobita but noticed sewashi
"Who is he?" He asked pointing at sewashi

"Oh! He..uh-he is my cousin" nibuta replied rubbing the back of his neck

"Oh hello nice to meet you! I am nobita's classmate sizuka " Sizuka said introducing herself and sewashi also introduced himself

"My name is dekisugi I'm nobita's friend" dekisugi also introduced himself but he didn't like this boy that much he also wondered why because he didn't dislike people on their first meeting but today was exceptional. He noticed the yukata sewahi was wearing and spoke

"nobita, is that the yukata you wore last year" dekisugi asked

"Uh yeah he didn't bring a yukata so i have him mine" nobita replied

"He-" dekisugi was cut off by sizuka

"Let's stop the side talks we should get going the festival will start soon" sizuka said and everyone agreed and went on their way to the festival

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