SEQUEL! Plz read, I fan.

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So, as you all know, I am making the sequel to Speechless. That will be put out today.

I will update whenever I can. I will most likely update every day, or every other day. Depends on what I am doing during that day.

I have been on summer break ever since the first day of June. I must ask, who is still in school? If you are still doing finals, good luck to you. YOU WILL GET THOUGH IT!

But anyway, the title of the book is,

............... ~Drum roll~...................

Come Back, A Vikklan FanFic. I made the cover myself, but it really isn't that good. It is the last book in the series. It will be an adventure, for sure.

Much death, so wow. Betrayal at its finest, and twist here and there. It will be the best book of its series.

We ended this book with 1.62k reads, 159 votes, and 35 comments. Thank you all so much. You are the best people in the world to me.

But Aaaannnyyyyywwwaaayyyyy, see you crafters in my other book! < 3

Before I Fall, A Poofless FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now