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'I knew you'd like them!' MARI gives a adoring look to HERO, as he munches on MARI'S famous cookies. 'Wow, MARI.. These cookies are just... out of this world! What's your secret? I would love to make these for you sometime,'gushes HERO.'Well handsome, there's a reason it's famous! The recipe is a secret for reason you know!'MARI'S laughter sounds like the tinkling sound of when windchimes chime. Amazing HERO blushes, looking away from MARI.'Aw,what's cookin' good-lookin'? Was it something I said?''No! Not at all, it's just... I was admiring you..!' MARI blushes.'You're too kind my HERO! Now why would you be admiring me when there's so many other amazing girls? Am I exception?" MARI professed wistfully. A tint of red appears on HERO'S face.'Of course Mari, my perfect angel..' 'Your perfect angel,you say?'MARI leans forward gives a kiss to HERO.'Awh, tch. You're too pure to be here HERO, you belong with the angels in heaven, that's how sweet you are. Like sugar, but sweeter'MARI winks

'MARI!! KEL...'Aubrey stops.
They're admiring each other.'Mm, yes AUBREY? About KEL?''Oh! Nothing, sorry it was a false alarm.'"Ah, alright. Be careful AUBREY!'AUBREY is totally dazed. She runs off in hurry.They're a match made in heaven, I wish me and OMORI could be like that..AUBREY wistfully examines her thoughts.'HEY OMORI!! YOU'RE SWEETER THAN SUGAR!!'AUBREY learnt that from overhearing Mari. OMORI turns,'...'AUBREY rolls her eyes. 'Me and him are perfect,just as HERO and MARI,' AUBREY mumbles under her breath. She tosses MR. PLANTEGG into the air. 'Don't you just agree MR.PLANTEGG!!' she giggles.

MR.PLANTEGG silently nods in agreement.'Ahhh..what can I do to make him love me? I love him! Uhmm...'AUBREY starts to think long and hard on how to make OMORI like her.'..I could probably ask MARI!HEY MARI!!'AUBREY runs to MARI excitedly.'Oh,hey AUBREY?Is this still about KEL?'MARI gives a warm smile.'NOOOOO!!It's about,uhm,OMORI..!'AUBREY blushes.MARI gives a grin.'Ahhh..OMORI?Cliff-faced OMORI?You should really ask him out! I'd love to be your big sister! Hehe..''I REALLY WANT TO!!I like him lots..but do you think he knows?'AUBREY looks down.'Oh,want me to call him over so you can tell him?'MARI grabs AUBREY and hugs her tight.''NONONO DON'T PLEASEPLEASE!!!I DON'T—''Pull yourself together.'MARI looks AUBREY stern in the eye.AUBREY looks back into MARI'S EYES.

KEL joins the picnic.'AUBREY I THOUGHT WE WERE STILL PLAYING TAG!! WHAT HAPPENED?''SHUT UP KEL!! I'M TALKING TO MARI ABOUT BOYS!!'KEL looks at AUBREY,and laughs.'LIKE YOU'D—'AUBREY smacks KEL at the back of his head.'..Stop.'KEL looks astonished.'Okaaaaaaaay! Jeez!! You didn't have to slap me!But,tag later?'KEL grins.'Uhm'AUBREY feels like relaxing,'No thanks!'KEL looks dissapointed.'Aww..okay''Oh?Anyways,as I was saying..'MARI and AUBREY continue their long conversation about boys,as AUBREY starts to realize how much she really would like to be with OMORI and marry him someday,they're both perfect for eachother!

From OLD SHOE,BASIL walks to AUBREY and MARI.'Hi!What are you two talking about?I'm a bit bored and,well,I've already done all my chores and waterd the plants!' BASIL gives a sweet and warm smile.'BASIL!Hello!Take a seat!We were just about finished talking!'MARI gives a cheeky wink to AUBREY.OH!AUBREY gives a wink to MARI as well.'Well that's good to know!Since it's so quiet,we should all go on a adventure! Whaddya think AUBREY?'AUBREY looks at BASIL.'Mmm,yeah that'd be nice!'AUBREY gets up to go and tell KEL,HERO and OMORI,since they are all playing tag.Except OMORI.OMORI is writing a poem!How poetic and dreamy of him!

'KEL!!!WANT TO GO ON A FUN ADVENTURE?'KEL stops.'I THOUGHT YOU WANTED TO RELAX?''NO I JUST WANTED TO TALK WITH MARI!!COME ON!!IT'LL BE FUN''Oh?Can i join too?'HERO chimes in.'YOU DON'T EVEN NEED TO ASK!!COUNT ME IN!!'KEL runs to the picnic blanket to where BASIL and MARI are sitting,to get his important things.'Tch..boys..anyways yeah HERO you can join too!!'AUBREY gives a happy smile.'Alright!Give me a second to also go get my things'HERO starts to walk to the picnic.'YEAH!ME TOO JUST GIVE ME A SECOND!''AUBREY ARE YOU COMING OR—''KEL I AM GETTING OMORI!THERE CAN'T BE A ADVENTURE WITHOUT THE FIVE OF US!!

OMORI heard his name.He sees AUBREY walking towards him with a small smile.He quickly puts away his notebook,it's too depressing for AUBREY to hear.'Hey OMORI,would you like to come on a adventure with us—Me,KEL,HERO AND BASIL?'OMORI looks up.AUBREY is so cute.'Okay,where to?'AUBREY'S eyes widen.She's funny when she does that,OMORI'S chest feels fuzzy.'Uhh,I haven't thought that far yet,maybe you could decide?'A cheesy grin is plasterd on her face.How amusing.''The ORANGE OASIS?'AUBREY sighs with relief.She's glad OMORI chose so fast.'Okay!!Just let me know when you're...''I'm ready now,AUBREY.'OMORI gives a very small smile.AUBREY'S chest pounds hard.OMORI has never smiled to her.'Okay,I just need to get ready.Sorry...''No need to be sorry.I could wait all day for you.'AUBREY blushes hard and runs off.OMORI IS SO DREAMY I LOVE HIM!!Just the thought of being with OMORI makes AUBREY'S heart flutter with butterflies.

AUBREY grabs MR.PLANTEGG,HER BAT and a EXTRA PINK BOW,just incase.'WHY DO YOU NEED ANOTHER PINK BOW AUBREY?'AUBREY grunts at KEL.'BECAUSE,I can have another one AND just incase!''Girls are so extra..'KEL eyes AUBREY.'Okay,everyone?Are we ready to depart to the TRAIN STATION?'HERO looks around.'It doesn't look like anyone is missing,MARI?Will you wait for us at the picnic areas?'HERO gives a shy smile to his love.'I don't know why i wouldn't,of course!'MARI gives a thumbs up.'Okay then,we are ready! Let's depart to the TRAIN STATION!'
'YAY!!'sqeauls AUBREY.'I wonder what adventure we'll go on this time?It's always so exciting!'

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