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"Ahh,here we here! The TRAIN!" HERO exclaimed joyfully. 'WOO-HOO!!The TRAIN!! Man,I can't WAIT to go on a new adventure!! It's been TOO long." KEL grinned. "Yeah,a while as in a week,KEL. A WEEK IS NOT THAT LONG!!" AUBREY yapped back. "I DIDN'T ASK FOR HOW LONG A WEEK IS AUBREY!! Jeez,stop always butting in.."KEL scoffed. "Hey,you two! No fighting! Let's make this a fun trip!" "I agree.." OMORI joined in.AUBREY LOOKED at OMORI then back at KEL. "Wow even OMORI agreed and he's super duper quiet." KEL punched AUBREY in the arm. "OW WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" AUBREY glared angrily at KEL. "Please,stop. I actually want to get on the TRAIN to go to the ORANGE OASIS," OMORI looked at AUBREY and KEL. "..And please stop fighting for five minutes." AUBREY mumbled under her breath, "KEL started it anyway.."

"Okay,after 10 minutes we actually boarded the TRAIN.." HERO looked around. "Is EVERYONE ready? Have we all got what we need? Remember,we wouldn't want to go ALL THE WAY BACK to the PICNIC?" HERO reminded everyone.AUBREY checked everywhere,but MR.PLANTEGG was gone. "HERO..MR. PLANTEGG,he..VANISHED!!" AUBREY whined.HERO took a deep breath and sighed. "Can we go and search for him..?Please!!" AUBREY'S eyes widend. "AUBREY!! I'm SURE you'll be fine without MR.PLANTEGG!" KEL playfully pulled a face. "But.."

"AUBREY.." HERO put his hand on AUBREY'S shoulder. "It's okay,we can go and find him.Don't mind KEL! I know how important MR. PLANTEGG is to you!" HERO smiled. "OMORI,do you mind helping? You're EXCELLENT at finding things!" HERO gave sorry smile. "Okay." In a matter of time OMORI had found AUBREY'S MR.PLANTEGG..somewhere in the road. OMORI gave AUBREY MR.PLANTEGG. AUBREY gave a big grin and hugged OMORI,OMORI did not mind,much. "Thank you,thank you,thank you,thank you.." AUBREY repeated a million times.

"Okay,are we NOW ready?" KEL gasped. "HECTOR IS GONE HERO!!!! CAN WE-" "KEL,HECTOR is quite small,it could take us days to find him. We've been waiting for a while here at the TRAIN STATION, could you hold on without HECTOR,maybe?" KEL pouted,"MR PLANTEGG IS ALSO SMALL!! Ughh.. I'm fine without HECTOR though,ATLEAST I'm not emotionally attached to him,unlike someone else with their something.." KEL stuck his tounge out to AUBREY. "KEL!!!"

"I think,we're okay now. Now time to depart! Who's excited here!!" HERO gave a small smile. "ME!!" KEL yelled. "ME TOO!!! I HEARD THERE WAS A PLACE WHERE YOU DIG UP STUFF!! IT SOUNDS SOOO COOL!!" AUBREY was practically bouncing up and down from her excitement. "WOAH!! I WANNA GO THERE!! HERO TAKE US!!" KEL had a huge grin on his face. "Okay,you two.. Oh,it seems we're here! Come on everyone! Hop off!" And so HERO first got off the train. AUBREY and KEL followed. OMORI was last to leave the train. He was caught up in reading the magazines that the train had in store.
"Where's BASIL?" OMORI was confused. "BASIL?Oh,he said he'd changed his mind last minute and stayed with MARI,I hope he'll be able to join us soon!" OMORI stared. "Okay."

"Why don't we take a quick break and go say hi to MARI,does that sound good?" HERO questioned AUBREY,KEL and OMORI. "Okay!! I'm going to ask MARI to tie my hair for me,in two cute pigtails" AUBREY happily skipped to MARI. "MARI!! I LOST MR.PLANTEGG BUT THEN I FOUND HIM AGAIN!! Well,OMORI did actually,but still!!" MARI'S eyes lit up. "Oh no,where was he?" "In the middle of the road!! Can you believe I was so reckless.. MR.PLANTEGG,I'LL NEVER DROP YOU SOMEWHERE AGAIN!!" MARI'S eyes widend.

"Oh no! Is he okay now? I'm glad my dear little brother OMORI could find him for you!" MARI gave a warm smile to AUBREY. "MHM! MR.PLANTEGG IS OKAY!! He was just a bit..dusty," AUBREY pretended to throw up,"And he SMELLED!! Eww..I'm thankful he's okay now,HERO gave me some perfume to spray on him,I didn't even know HERO had perfume!!" MARI gave sly smile towards HERO. She had lended her favorite perfume to him since he said that it smelt amazing,she was glad it was atleast being put to good use,but was still waiting the return of the perfume..maybe she could ask for it back,when HERO was free."..I'm also thankful for OMORI for finding MR.PLANTEGG TOO!! Hehe!" "Mhm,I'm glad to hear that!" MARI wasn't listening anymore,her mind was with HERO.

"Oh, hi OMORI! Sorry I didn't tell you i was staying with it okay if I could possibly join you all on your adventure?" BASIL hid his guilty smile. "Okay." BASIL felt relieved,he was worried OMORI would might have declined. Either way he wouldn't mind,besides OMORI was very polite..mostly."Thank you MARI, that was a WONDERFUL picnic!"HERO's cheeks turned crimson. "Oh,HERO! My HERO!! I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed the picnic!! Do come again soon, and have fun you guys!"Before waving good-bye,MARI first gave HeRO a kiss on the cheek. She then waved them good-bye."Ahhh..MARI! That un-necessary..but thank you" HERO blushed even harder,"Okaaaaaaay! Let's get going!! I wanna go see DINO DIG!!" KEL chimed in.

"DINO'S DIG,here we are!! YAY!!" AUBREY read the sign. "WE'RE HERE!! ME FIRST!! I need to get me the best shovel," KEL ran excitedly inside,"WOAH! It's huge! But.." KEL looked upset. AUBREY pushed aside KEL. "IT'S SO BIG!! Ah,here are the spoons and.." AUBREY'S jaw dropped. "..It's kind of expensive.." OMORI took a look, "Uhm..oh. Yeah,this might take a bit,but it's not bad." OMORI shook his head. "Hey,HERO. Take a look here." HERO examined the prices carefully. "Oh guys, it isn't that expensive,here, I can do the work don't worry." HERO gave a swift smile. "Woaaah!! Really HERP? You'd do that for us!" AUBREY'S eyes lit up. "Of course! It won't take long, trust me. Just wait here in the lobby,KEL you're in charge." HERO left to the FIRST FLOOR,before AUBREY could attempt to negotiate with him so she could take over. "SWEET! I'm in charge!Now you have no choice but to listen to me,AUBREY! Hehe." KEL proudly bragged to AUBREY. "NO FAIR! HERO left before I could make him change his mind..ugh." AUBREY crossed her arms and puffed her cheeks. For a while, KEL,AUBREY,OMORI and BASIL just stood around. At first KEL and AUBREY bickered a lot, but soon grew tired of it. OMORI just watched. "Maaaaaaaaan,maybe we should've gone and also helped to dig," KEL gave a quick pause," But that is hard work and we came here to I guess i'ts okay that HERO took over.." Softly BASIL giggled, KEL was always so silly..

Suddenly KEL'S eyes brightened, 'HERO!!! YOU'RE BACK! Was it tough to dig so much?" KEL ran to hug HERO. "Hi KEL!! Yeah, it was pretty,huff,tiring.." HERO plopped himself onto a bench nearby. "Oh..sorry for making you go through all the trouble." AUBREY felt at fault. "Oh, no it's okay AUBREY! It was fun,really! I think if you all tried digging you'd be tired from the first 3 digs, luckily I'm strong!" HERO gave a helpless smile as he showed off his muscles. 'I suggest that we rest here for a bit, how about we go to RAIN TOWN next? It's pretty relaxing there in my opinion." BASIL proposed. "Sounds great!Are you three in?" HERO inquired. OMORI silently nodded. "BUT WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE ON A ADVENTURE!!" KEL pouted sadly. "..Its is a adventure you idiot," AUBREY rolled her eyes, "but we'd love to go HERO-that is if KEL would like to go to MARI. Other than that then we can go!" AUBREY gave a radiant smile. "KEL?" :Pshhhhh,I was just joking! I'll come along." KEL scowled at AUBREY, "Don't take everything so seriously AUBREY.." "KEL! Let's not." BASIL gave a disgruntled look at KEL. "AUBREY started it anyway.." HERO murmured, "BASIL,lead the way!" BASIL gave a satisfied smile, "Alright,everyone,follow me!"

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