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"Right! Here we are, we're almost at RAIN TOWN! To get to RAIN TOWN, we need to put our hands into the pond of soda,right before us!" BASIL reported. "OOH! Can I drink it?" KEL was THRILLED to hear this,he LOVED drinking soda,like ORANGE JOE. "Ahh,well—" "NO KEL!! IT'S DIRTY I'M SURE OF IT!!" AUBREY butted in. "AUBREY,could you kindly let BASIL continue?" HERO asked bothered. "Ah,thank you HERO! Now,as I was saying,KEL,yes you can drink it..but I don't think you should. In a moment I shall demonstrate how you can get to RAIN TOWN." BASIL gave a gleeful smile. "Any questions before I start? Please raise your hand if you do!" HERO raised his hand. "Yes,HERO?" "BASIL,is there a way for us to get out of RAIN TOWN?" BASIL thought for a moment. "Hmmm,no I suppose not. We can ask the VEGGIE KIDS though; POTATOGIRL,TOMATOGIRL,ONION and EGGPLANT!" For a moment HERO had a blank expression on his face,taking the information in slowly."..Alright then!" "Anymore questions? Anyone? Nobody? Okay..continuing! Now, everyone, WATCH!" gently,but elegantly, BASIL dunked his hand into the pond of soda. He immediately vanished into thin air.

"WOAH! ME NEXT!" KEL ran to dip his hand into the water,pushing AUBREY to the ground.As he was bending over,AUBREY swiftly pushed him into the pond. He also vanished. "HA! Serves him right for pushing me to the ground!" AUBREY quickly dunked her hand into the pond,disappearing just as quick as she had dunked her hand. "Would you like to go next,OMORI?" HERO offered with a kindhearted smile. OMORI gave a silent nod and dunked his hand into the soda. HERO was last to leave and joined OMORI, as they both watched KEL and AUBREY bicker.

"HEY! WHY'D YOU PUSH ME IN LIKE THAT! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO YOU!" KEL felt very agitated. "BECAUSE,KEL,YOU PUSHED ME TO THE GROUND!!" AUBREY was just as annoyed. "Hey,you two,cool it! There's no need to fight. We're here to relax,remember? Let's not ruin the moment for everyone." HERO gave AUBREY and KEL a stern look. "Okaaaaay fine! But she started it.." KEL murmered. "No,YOU started it.." AUBREY rolled her eyes. AUBREY shivered. "The rain is kind of cold.. I don't like it.." AUBREY pouted. "Quit whining AUBREY! It isn't THAT cold!" HERO gives a disstressed sigh. Kids are always so silly.

"I think everyone is here! Everyone,I'd like you to meet the VEGGIE KIDS: EGGPLANT,TOMATOGIRL,ONION and POTATOGIRL!" BASIL gave warm smile to them."The VEGGIE KIDS live in the crops nearby,usually they rarely leave the crops! However,the rain has been raining for a while now so they are a bit forced to hibernate in the crops.." BASIL remarked. "Wow BASIL! You're like a guide,guiding us 'tourists'! Haha. You must know lots about the VEGGIE KIDS!" HERO patted BASIL on the shoulder. "Oh yeah I know lots,I've been helping taking care of them for months when i stumbled upon them when i was once visiting here the ORANGE OASIS. I found them by mistake though,how funny! They're a pleasure to be taking care of,when I'm not taking care of my flowers..Ah! Sorry I got a bit carried away.." BASIL slightly blushes, "That's okay,I can see you're very passionate about gardening and flowers,which is good! I'm glad you can feel comfortable enough to share that with us!" HERO beemed. BASIL smiled back at HERO,out of the corner of his eye,he could see AUBREY,KEL and OMORI sitting with MARI. He was glad they were also relaxing!

"We hope you don't mind us hanging around." BASIL asserted to POTATOGIRL. "Oh,it isn't a problem,unless you like rain." "Hey little POTATOGIRL," KEL had seen a disstressed look on POTATOGIRL'S face, "what's wrong? Maybe we can help!" KEL gave a joyful smile. POTATOGIRL looked at KEL,then gave a weak smile, "Well as you can see it's raining. But the problem is that it's been raining for months.." POTATOGIRL give a long sigh. "We don't know what to do,but it just won't stop raining and it's really a problem,it's starting to get uncomfortable,I'm the surprised that the place hasn't even flooded yet! However,the only person to make the rain stop is the chosen one,but we have no clue who that is..ALL HOPE IS LOST!" POTATOGIRL looked sadder than ever,and KEL couldn't help but also feel sad for him. "Well maybe the chosen one is here! Who do you think would be the chosen one?" KEL was trying his best to help. "Uhmmm.." POTATOGIRL looked around,before pointing at OMORI. "Him. He stands out from all of you with his black and white colors." KEL looked at OMORI. "Well,yeah OMORI has always been like that!" KEL stood up,he had been sitting with POTATOGIRL, "Wait her,I'll be right back!" and with that KEL ran off to asm OMORI to help him.

"Hi, whatever-your-name-is!" KEL had brought OMORI with him. "Actually it's POTATOGIRL,ah! Hello there!" POTATOGIRL greeted OMORI with a shake. "OKAY OMORI, POTATOGIRL,or what ever his name is,WANTS YOU TO HELP THEM TO STOP THE RAIN,SO UHM DO WHATEVER YOU NEED TO DO, YOU'RE SMART!" KEL gently pushed OMORI. OMORI knew exactly what he needed to do. OMORI ran to the valve. He knew he had to turn it,but what side. He gave it a thought for a bit,and turned it left. INSTANTLY the rain worsened. KEL turned to OMORI. THAT wasn't good. Now what was OMORI going to do? "OMORI?" a worried expression appeared on KEL'S face. POTATOGIRL gasped. "THE RAIN WORSENED EVEN MORE!! OMORI!!" POTATOGIRL had a panicked tone. The VEGGIE KIDS started panicking and ran around frantically.

AUBREY looked up, "The rain is really starting to pick up,wait is it..flooding?" AUBREY looked pale as a ghost. "MARI, I DON'T WANG TO DROWN!!" AUBREY started hyperventilating. KEL ran as fast as he could to MARI. "MARI,MARI WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO!! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!! WE'RE GOING TO DROWN!" KEL started hypverventilating. "There,there.. it's okay you two! I'll keep you two safe." MARI stroke AUBREY's back. AUBREY climbed onto MARI'S lap and started softly weeping. "Please..MARI..keep us safe..please..MARI.." AUBREY was terrified. "I'll always be watching over you,don't worry.. EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY.I'LL PROTECT YOU AUBREY.." MARI grabs AUBREY and KEL'S hand. "Hold my hand you two,I'll keep you two safe!" MARI firmly took AUBREY and KEL'S hand. AUBREY was softly crying,while KEL was hyperventilating even more,even if they both could swim,they couldn't hold their breaths for long. Neither of them wanted drown,nobody did.

"OMORI!" BASIL gave a sad cry,he couldn't see SUNNY. HERO appeared,grabbing BASIL'S hand..witH OMORI beside him. "OMORI!" BASIL'S body felt weak,and so did OMORI'S but HERO pulled them both upwards towards where there was no water. OMORI,with his blank expression,said nothing,while BASIL was frantically kicking his feet to keep head above water. "OMORI! KICK YOUR FEET!!" BASIL instructed with fear in his voice. OMORI kicked hard,but he was struggling. OMORI may have overcame his fear of drowning,but he still could not swim. Then the water caved in,and darkness swarmed in. The VEGGIE KIDS had long gone already been drowned in the dretched water. Before the darkness could get to them,BASIL gave a cry to OMORI, "OMORI,PROMISE ME," before BASIL was swallowed by darkness. The rest of the 3 were also swallowed by darkness,screams and cries coming out from the water. By that time OMORI had already had been taken to WHITESPACE,minutes before he was swallowed by darkness. A odd figure walked towards OMORI,MARI. "SUNNY.." She says. "SUNNY,please,wake up." MARI takes OMORI'S hand. "WAKE UP,LITTLE BROTHER.." and before MARI could say anymore,she vanished. OMORI took no note of what MARI said,SUNNY should never wake up,it was stupid for MARI to tell SUNNY to wake up, because SUNNY would NEVER wake up again, it was best that he'd just stay in HEADSPACE, where he felt safe. And that is what he did. OMORI would wait in WHITESPACE until the faint white door would appear again.

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