Naruto: Shugo (War Arc)

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Shugo: mainly uses energy release, Flying Raijin and fire style jutsu
She was an experiment of Orochimaru is where she gained energy release and flying raijin. Suigetsu freed her and when she got to Konoha the people were scared of her. She was sent to anbu to control her power. But Danzo got ahold of her and she was trained by ROOT.
War Arc

Shugo knew the world needed them to win this war. So the best way for her to help was to save them.

She threw one of her kunai down Infront of one of the men watching over the revived Hokage.

The man looks at the kunai at his feet and around the area. He takes out his own kunai and looks around.

Shugo weaves handsigns for a fireball jutsu. 'Here goes nothing..' She teleports to the marked kunai, Infront of the man. His eyes widen in surprise and began swinging his knife. 'Fire style: fireball jutsu!' Shugo breathes out fire at the man and it burns him away. Shugo leans down and picks up her kunai. 'One down, unknown amount to go.' She sighs and nearly jumped in surprise when she heard a voice to her right.

"Where did you learn that jutsu?" The Second Hokage, Tobirama Senju asked.

Shugo looked at them all. All four of them were pinned down by black rods. In order from first to fourth. She stood parallel to them, closest to the 4th at the moment. "Um.." She was going to reply but she was too nervous to Infront of them.

They looked at her expectantly.

Shugo blocked a kunai with her own out of instinct. She backed up a little and watched the area that it came from.

A man runs up to the others burned body. "Keith? You brat!" He growls at Shugo and runs at her.

She throws a kunai at his head and he dodged. "Is that all ya got? Pathetic!" He sneers.

Shugo teleported to the knife and kicked his face in.

He tumbled back to where Kieths body was. He stands back up and snaps his fingers.

To men appear on each side of Shugo.

Shugo looks at both of them and runs at the one Infront of her.

He swung his arm to punch but she ducked and spun. As she spun she threw her kunai at the other man.

She finished her spin, facing the man who tried to punch her. She jumped up and upper cutted him. She pushed her hand onto his arm to throw him further off balance and to place a marker for future use.

She teleported to the kunai once he was down. She grabbed it and shoved it into the man's shoulder.

She landed back in between the two as they fell backwards. She grabbed Keith's sword and teleported to the man she uppercutted, sliced through him, teleported to the other man and cut him open. She appeared back at Keith's body and put the sword down. 'Under 2 seconds, not bad I suppose.' Shugo went to retrieve her kunai.

She pulled it out of the dead man's shoulder and wiped off the blood. 

"Who are you?" Tobirama asks her again.

"Oh uh, sorry." Shugo frowns and faces them. "I'm uh-"

"Did you forget about me?!" The man from earlier appeared from under her.

She managed to jump out of the way in time. She watched him as he cackled. "I'm going to enjoy ripping you to shreds!"

"Oh.. thats... not very nice." Shugo muttered. The man just grinned at her and pulled out twin blades.

Shugo dodged and blocked as many attacks as she could.

He kicked her back and she rolled onto her feet as quickly as she could. She looked around the battlefield and tried to quickly come up with a plan.

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