Haikyuu: Sleepover with Nishinoya

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Nishinoya x Oc
Oc: Yuki Amane, blonde hair and around the same height as Nishinoya. She met Nishinoya at a tournament. Nishinoya saw her playing and wanted her autograph. She also plays libero.

"You know we're supposed to be studying." Yuki sweatdropped as she watched Nishinoya as he walked her to the gas station.

They were supposed to be at his house, studying for the exams coming up.

"We'll be quick! Besides we need snacks to keep going!" He exclaimed and went into the gas station right to the candy isle.

Yuki followed him in to the candy. 'Wow, that's a lot of candy.' She thought and picked up a box of chocolates. 'I could go for some chocolate.'

"Get whatever you want! My treat!" Nishinoya grinned at her and ravaged through the Red Bulls and chips. He ended up buying Red Bull, flaming hot chips, and candy (most of the candy is what Yuki picked out).

Once they got back to his place he Immediatly began taking out a few beanbags.

"Here I have a blue one, your favorite color!" He smiled and set a blue one next to a red one. He put a green table Infront of them and in between the tv. He set the snacks on the table and the two sat down. He quickly turned on the tv.

Yuki giggled. "No more studying then?"

He shook his head quickly. "I hate studying. Let's watch a movie instead!" He turned on an action movie.

"Aren't you worried about your exams?" Yuki asked and popped a chocolate in her mouth.

"Nope! I'll pass so you don't have to worry! These tests can't hold me back!" He gave her a thumbs up.

Yuki looked away with a red face. 'Nishinoya is so cool.'

Throughout the film Nishinoya yelled in excitement which made Yuki laugh every time. They had managed to finish almost all of their sweets. The only thing remaining was a single chip.

Nishinoya then went on YouTube to find out how to do a backflip.

Yuki put her hands over her eyes. "Nishinoya you might hurt yourself."

Nishinoya grabs her hands and looks at her confidently. "I won't! Trust me!"

He backed up and jumped up and tried twisting but landed on his back. Luckily he landed on the beanbag.

"Are you alright?!" Yuki hurried over and helped him up.

He insisted on keep trying but Yuki wouldn't let him.

Instead the duo played Mario cart.

"YEAH RED TURTLE SHELL! BOOM!" Nishinoya cackled as he once again retrieved first place.

Yuki put the controller down and smiled at Nishinoya. "Guess your better than me at video games."

The boy blushed and scratched his cheek. "Ah well... I can teach you."

Yuki snorted and threw a volleyball at him (which he caught easily), "Let's play?"

Nishinoya grinned in determination. "Let's do it!"

They passed the ball back and forth, pass, set then a hit or tip.

Later that night they were yelled at for being too loud after nearly breaking a window. So they retreated back into the house where Yuki fell asleep.

Nishinoya put a blanket over her. "Sweet dreams." He mumbled and went to his bed.

He couldn't go to sleep because he had too many Red Bulls. So he ended up making a big breakfast for them since it was already so early in the morning. He set out nearly burnt bacon, scrambled eggs and pancakes. He put out salt, pepper, Nutella (he knew Yuki loved Nutella on pancakes), syrup, and fruit.

'Yuki is going to love it!' Nishinoya grinned to himself and prayed that she would.

((Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed :)

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