Chapter 1: The First Encounter

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September 10th, 2039

Detroit Police Department

11:00 am

It was a beautiful morning with partly cloudy weather, people were in the streets going to work at their jobs, and children were going to schools safely. It was such a gorgeous day, especially at the Detroit Police Department (DPD). Inside, officers were getting ready for new cases to stop suspects or rather paperwork. Captain Fowler, the head of the DPD, was talking on the phone, answering with ease instead of such anger in his voice. Most importantly, there was Connor, the famous deviant hunter, the RK800 android everyone knows of who's now a deviant and has a partnership with Lieutenant, Hank Anderson. Connor was on his desk, playing with his quarter as he awaits for a new case to pop up while Hank is just simply bored of waiting for a new case to arrive.

"Hey Connor, don't you just get bored when you're waiting for a fucking case?" Hank complains as he continues to sulk on his chair, letting out an impatient sigh as he speaks to his partner. Connor looks at Hank as his LED spun yellow and thinks for a moment about how he feels since he's still getting used to being deviant based on his new emotions. "I suppose I do, Hank" Connor replies truthfully then smiles at Hank with confidence "but I'm sure Captain Fowler is just choosing which case we have to go carefully. Even if it's small or rather huge, I guess it's worth the wait." Hank looks at Connor then chuckles to himself "Yeah, I agree, maybe he's just being too damn picky cuz we're the best in the DPD. I guess it will be worth the wait."

    Suddenly, the door opens to the police station, then Connor and Hank see an unfamiliar addition to the police station. They see Mella, the brand new android detective, and police sketch artist Captain Fowler recently recruited from Elijah Kamski himself. She's in her appropriate uniform and she's walking towards a reserved desk for herself because it had a sign saying "Reserved for new addition" as she sat down on her chair. She then sees a brand new sketchbook with pencils and erasers to start sketching mysterious suspects or deviants. She opens the sketchbook and sees a post of a practice sketch with minimum details of an example suspect then starts drawing according to her program. Connor and Hank are stunned by Mella's sudden appearance and look at each other with so much wonder yet confusion as to who she is. "Hank, who is that?" Connor asked with so much wonder in his voice as he observed Mella sketching in her blank sketchbook. "I don't know, but I'm guessing she's a police sketch artist. Huh, I never knew Androids could be capable of that. Never seen one before either over my years being in this police department" Hank replied to Connor as he's also observing Mella as she's drawing out realistic facial features and anatomy of people and androids.

"HANK! CONNOR! YOU TOO ROOKIE! IN MY OFFICE!" It was Captain Fowler, calling out Hank and Connor's names including the mention of Mella to report to his office. "Welp, I guess we got a case to do" Hank scoffed then smiles at Connor. "Maybe it was worth the damn wait from so many hours"

As Hank and Connor enter Captain Fowler's office and sit down on their seats, they see Mella entering the office as well yet she stands away from them.
Captain Fowler sits up from his chair and introduces the new addition to Connor and Hank while laying a hand on Mella's shoulder "Connor, Hank, This is Mella. She's the new android detective and police sketch artist and she'll be working with your partnership as a trio from now on. Got it?"

Connor and Hank are stunned to have a brand new team member in their partnership but they understand their job, however, Hank is slightly displeased at the sudden addition. "Jeffery, I got Connor and we are doing so well together. Why do we need another member?" Hank complains to Fowler with slight frustration but extreme confusion.

Fowler sighs and gives a side-eye at Hank because it isn't the first time he complained about an android "Well we've just gotten a new major case with no leads but only sightings of dead androids in a house, especially the details of the suspect is very little with no photos of them. So the two of you would be struggling but she will assist your case and I believe this major case is much bigger than we thought. So Hank, please stop bitching about her, she's just a fucking machine!! Willing to obey your orders, my orders, and Connor's orders!"

Connor stays silent during the argument but he looks at Mella with a small smile and gives a little wave at her. Mella looks at Connor with the blankest and cold stare for a few seconds before she ignores him completely out of sight. To Connor, he feels awful for Mella even though he barely knows her and he's reminded of his past of obeying and being a machine with so many limitations to handle.

He suddenly stands up and approaches Mella in the calmest way possible but mostly professionally. Mella just stares at him with no concern at all then looks up to his face. "Hello Mella, I'm Connor. I'm glad we're working together to stop this case. Are you excited?" Connor smiles at Mella as he greets her with his hand and a charming smile.
Mella just stares at him and lowers his hand then finally speaks "Androids don't feel "excited" only deviants do."

Connor gets shocked by hearing Mella's voice for the first time and frowns a little while brushing himself off. "Oh that's...that's right. My apologies, Mella." Connor stares at Mella for such a long time and observes her physical features, he gets quite memorized by it but he tries not to make her "uncomfortable" but as he lays a hand on her shoulder, Mella suddenly slaps his face so hard that it makes Hank and Fowler stop arguing. As Connor lets out a yelp from the sudden slap, Mella then punches his shoulder as she shows signs of sudden anger and then screams "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME!" as she raises a finger towards his face.

"HEY! HEY! QUIT IT!" Hank intervenes between Mella and Connor as he spreads Mella and Connor apart. "I forgot to mention that if you tamper or bother with her, she can get real feisty or dangerous" Fowler added with slight embarrassment but seriousness in his voice. "No shit Jeffery" Hank scoffs as he soothes Connor's face on the mark he got from Mella's strong mechanical palm. "We'll handle her the best we can"

"Good now go, get out of my office" Fowler scoffs and dismisses Connor, Hank, and Mella from his office.

"Damn, that's one bad mark you got there Connor" Hank looks at Connor's cheek.
"It's fine Hank, I was trying to make her comfortable that's all." Connor replies as the mark slowly goes away "My arm is good too"

Hank sighs and nods as he looks at Mella with a slightly displeased look but then he looks at Connor, "You should go apologize to her, she probably got startled that's all" Connor then nods and approaches Mella properly and stands next to her without touching her. "Hey Mella, uhm... I'm sorry for touching you as a greeting. I didn't mean it, but I won't do it again if you want it like that."

Mella looks at Connor as her LED flickers yellow as she begins to decide on her choices.




Mella sighs and slowly replies "I forgive you Connor" as she looks at him with her eyes to make eye contact but no emotion is intact. Connor smiles at Mella but she ignores to make eye contact with him but walks with him to start the case.

"Ready to go you two?" Hank asked the two androids.
"Yes Hank, are you ready Mella?" Connor asks Mella.

"Yes Detective Connor and Lieutenant Anderson" she replies with professionalism.
The trio stepped out of the station and then to Hank's car to start their major case of the day.




Admin: WOOHOO! JUST FINISHED THIS!! And enjoy the ambience lol, i don't have any music to add to the scene. Probably will add an drawing or not. But hope you're enjoying the story overall :))

Am I Deviant or Just a Machine? (An DBH Continuation/AU with OC)Where stories live. Discover now