Chapter 17: The Afternoon Break

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(RAHHHH same ambience lmao ;') )

November 3rd, 2039

1:15 pm

Detroit Police Department

An hour passes since the trio arrived back at the station, along with the CSI team and the FBI team handing the last suspect into the police's hands before leaving the place. By this time, Connor volunteered to interrogate the suspect while Hank, Captain Fowler, and Detective Gavin watched from the interrogation room.

However, the interrogation wasn't successful. The suspect wouldn't cooperate on the questions nor answer Connor's requests. Instead, Connor had no choice but to try probing its memory from its skin. The suspect resisted many attempts during the probing process of its memories extracted from Connor's mind to see what it witnessed and unfortunately, rarely little information was seen in the process. All that Connor saw inside of the android's memories was darkness and a deep mechanical voice pledging to try to convert deviant androids to violence and lie to them that androids are superior to humans. However, the memory cuts out on the voice mentioning Markus which doesn't satisfy Connor's questions about knowing these deviant androids suddenly want to provoke violence instead of peace.

As Connor got up from his chair, the guards took away the violent android towards its assigned containment cell while he walked out of the interrogation room with great disappointment in his face. No information. No leads. Barely little clues about these new types of deviants rising. As he walks out, he hears objects falling from the medical care room with yells coming from Mella. As he rushes towards the scene, he sees Mella frantically searching for a way to clean herself and find a new pair of uniforms to put on.

"Mella? You alright?" Connor eased towards Mella's frantic behavior to not provoke defense onto him by accident. Mella immediately stops as she calms down with Connor's sudden presence, taking deep breaths to remain in control of her new emotions flooding into her mind. "Yeah... I-m... I'm okay. I apologize for that. I'm just trying to find a new pair of uniforms but I guess I came up with the conclusion that all of my pairs need to be washed. Also, I can't get rid of the thrium off my skin, it's stuck. The medical wipes don't even fucking work too." Mella complained as she continued to stress out about finding something else to wear.

Connor sighed and put his hand gently on her shoulder while smiling softly towards Mella. "Well, The only way that can get all of this mess off is a bath. I mean, that's how I sometimes get the thrium off of my skin too."

Mella tilts her head at the request of taking a bath, thinking to herself... if it's possible for androids to shower?

"Yes, you might be thinking if there's a possibility but there is to my own experience, but just a warning to put out, you just got to be gentle with your synthetic skin. I think we both know it's very sensitive but don't worry I lather special soap onto my skin and get all the dirt, or anything that sticks to it, or even my hair. So, maybe you could try to shower all of this mess on your body or you want to stick with wipes that can't even make progress hmm?" Connor recounts his experience of showering and suggests to Mella that maybe she should try that if she's comfortable with it.





"Alright, I guess I'll try that. Should we tell Hank about this or ask for permission to step out for a while?" Mella asked Connor before she heads out with Connor.

Connor's LED blinks as a signal of an hour's afternoon break and sighed in relief. "We don't have to, I got a signal from my LED that we're now in an hour-long afternoon break. Sometimes Captain Fowler extends it for a reason but we gotta head out right now. Time is running out." Connor sighed as he took Mella's arm and exited the police station with her.

Am I Deviant or Just a Machine? (An DBH Continuation/AU with OC)Where stories live. Discover now