Chapter 19: Erotic Scenarios

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(Just pretend the tv isn't on lol)


November 4th, 2039

11:03 pm

Hank's House

It was a cold autumn night, very late with no stars shining in the skies. Inside Hank's house, Sumo is sleeping with Hank on his bed, while Connor sleeps in another room with Mella. However, Mella was struggling to put herself to sleep mode after many attempts to try to get a good rest.

Not because she's uncomfortable but because she has thoughts inside of her android mind that have been bothering her all day. Thoughts that she didn't expect to come in suddenly.

During this time, Mella would've waited for Kamski's instructions for another intimate night. Whether it's the usual kink play to satisfy his needs or trying something else, now she doesn't have to deal with the seductive role plays anymore which makes her feel empty and fatigued that she doesn't have to be productive during this time of hour.

Mella feels frustrated with these unexplainable thoughts and flashbacks of her times in bed with Kamski, feeling her heart accelerate with her LED blinking yellow. Blue blushing on her cheeks while she lays one hand on her face. "Ugh, why am I feeling this way? I don't miss Kamski... or do I? Only because of the sex I used to give him?" Mella thought to herself as she looked up at the dark ceiling, sighing at the ridiculous theory she had come up with. "No, I can't be missing him. I'm now Connor's girlfriend, and we're not at this level of intimacy. I mean- I don't think Connor would be capable of having- what am I saying? Is this a fucking porn addiction I have? What the fuck is wrong with me.."

Mella sighed deeply as she took a peek at Connor, sleeping peacefully next to her. He seems so calm while sleeping as an experienced deviant he is, yet too adorable to observe him. Mella smiled until she felt her heart throbbed with a thought that wasn't supposed to pop up in her mind. It makes her pant once, and her hands grip onto the covers. Her heart throbbing more, her LED flickering more which eventually turns red. It makes her smile deviously, giggling seductively. Suddenly she had stress levels of trying to resist an expected program that started on its own pace with her thoughts clouding her mind.




"I wonder how it would feel to have some sex with Connor. I mean... I think it would be smoother than my times with Kamski. I never had sex with another android like me. Two advanced prototypes going at it on the bed, oh god... I believe Connor would look too damn hot in bed, especially with his sweet voice saying dirty things to me or... Hearing his little whimpers or moans. Ohhhh... My... and what would his fucking c-"

Mella takes her time to try her best to cool her down including trying to stop the lust program from initiating its state of mind. However, the urge of her thoughts began to flow in more which made her smile more, blushing more while panting. Her hands grip the bed sheets tighter and then cover her face. She starts to giggle more louder than ever.


"Yes! Yes! Then Connor will have the chance to make me feel good! Only if he has his part, oh god... We did see each other naked in the shower but god... He was fucking hot as hell. Those features on his chest, his body. Oh god his hands.. Oh god, I want his hands to fucking touch me everywhere... Oh fuck, I just wanna pleasure myself with him... I want to... I want him to... Oh god- I wanna make him lose his virginity to me! Yes!! AND THEN HE" LL BE CLAIMED AS MINE! AND ONLY MINE!! No wait... That sounds psychotic. Damn.. oh fuck I want him to fuck me so badly.. I want him to"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2023 ⏰

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