Defiance by Pain

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"You disgust me, but I'll let it slide by severing your disgusting  head from your wretched body. Sounds exciting does it not?"

The balding demon laughed and bared his jagged teeth at you,"Little girls like you don't amount to much any way, so I think that the best way to get rid of the useless is to kill them-"

"Energy Breathing -first form: Solar emit." You swung your sword out at the demon aiming preferably for his neck and watched as the head leaves the shoulders and his entire body and the bodies of the incoming demons behind him are destroyed."How pathetic do demons have to be to die that easily? I mean your supposed to be so much better than humans right?" You asked the ash as they disappeared. When you didn't get an answer you smirked. "I guess times a changing, huh, Yorrichi?"

Yorrichi, your green blade-which turned a lot of head because apparently you were the first demon slayer to ever have a sword that color. Yaoyaruzo Momo, your female swordsmith held her hopes high for you. She new that with a new color comes a new promising slayer. It was something that was taught in her family through the ages, that just because a blade does not take the color you wish it did didn't mean that the slayer was going a failure. Momo encouraged you to strive for nothing but absolute power. A weak demon slayer was a dead demon slayer.

You looked around in triumph as the bright light from your attack fades away and held your hand to your ear ,"I'm sorry what were you saying?"

It was petty, yes, but , so were weak demons taunting strong slayers. You almost laughed at the irony. And to be killed by a girl too, you thought as you moved forward.

Turning just in time to dodge the claws of another demon you swiftly slashed at his adams apple and ran to your left knowing that victory was yours.

He didn't even get the chance to scream.

You chuckled deviously, but kept your ego on the low. That comment about women being weak really got to you. So now you were going to show every male demon that you encountered just how 'weak' you are.

I didn't have to use my technique back there , but I was dying to shut that bitch up! Now all that light has attracted even more demons. This is starting to get really fun.

"SHINE!" You yelled diving at a demon with your sword raised at your said two hands gripping the handle, you swung it at his neck just as his hand reached for your neck and whispered ,"Energy Breathing -Fourth Form : Magic energy!"

As the tip of the sword touched his neck , you slap his hand away and step back. A croaking sound filled the air as the demon began to choke on it's own blood. Pink veins quickly stretched from the side of his neck to his shoulders and head and just as if was never connected to his shoulders at all , it slip to the left and hit the floor.

"Her blade bearly even touched his neck!"

"I'm out!"

"No!" the first voice from before yelled,"if we gang up on her maybe we could get a taste of that marechi blood!"

You watched the two demons fight over wether to attack you or not in disgustDid this fool really just coo at possibility of tasting my blood? nah , I must be going deaf.

"Shine!" And with one swing both demons were dead.

Blankly you watched as they turned to dust,"Team work is the dead work when it comes to you idoits."

Day 7

You walked out into the open , watching the twins smile at you as you came forward. You were the first one there. You could see the glint of pride in their eyes as stopped infront of them. With the dirt smeared on your face and kimono , you dared not embrace the twins and soil their clothes.

Instead you blew them kisses. They giggled and returned the gesture gracefully. You are their favourite person after all.

"Y/n-kun , we waited patiently for your arrival. We saw the glow of your last attack and heard the screams of your victims." the black haired twin smiled.

"Quit invigorating indeed. You spark fear into the cold hearts of your enemies. Truly admirable."

You took a bow and sat on the ground , enjoying the peaceful silence of the atmosphere. You stared behind them at the blossomed wisteria trees and smiled , a feeling of nostalgia washing over you.

It was the first day of the Wisteria season in your village and You ,Yuichiro and Muichiro had spent the entire day playing in the fallen petals of the wisteria blossoms. You remembered Yuichiro's melodic laugh as he chased you and Muichiro.

Why don't we go

The memory felt as though you three were running on clouds. You were kids with not a single care in the world ,except for the fact that you were having the time of your lives together. Now looking back at the memory you were almost certain that that was one of the happiest moments of your life.

Talk about it somewhere
only we know

And the you remind yourself that you force your self to remember the sound of Yuichiro's voice because it was starting to f̸a̸d̸e̸. You almost lashed out and screamed when the memory replayed itself in your head and but that wasn't the problem. The problem was that your oldest brother no longer made any sounds.

His lips moved but there was no sound. And as Muichiro ran past you laughing happily. Tears sprung to yours eyes as you slowly realised that you could no longer remember the sound of Yuichiro's voice.

This could be the end,
of everything

The one place were you kept your brother safe and sound suddenly vanished and all that was left was his hand that faded away as soon as it grabbed yours.

Muichiro stopped as well slowly turned to face you.
His eyes were blank amd filled with grief.
"Our happines never lasted long anyway."

So why don't we go,
somewhere only we know

You covered hands clasped around your mouth to muffle your scream as tears streamed down your face. You shook your head vigorously trying to rid your mind of it's last horrid sight. Suddenly you heard the sound of soft feet hitting the ground and turned around,and there was Kanao in all her glory.

Without wasting a single second you ran to her and clutched onto her for support. Instantly sensing something wrong her arms were around you.

"I-I can't hear him! I can't hear him amymore!"

You felt as you suffocating as you clung to your bestfriend.

Somewhere only we know

"Can't hear him anymore!"


"Where are we going Yuichiro?" You asked your older brother as you looked up at him, your matching eyes sparkling with curiosity and excitement. Today, you and your brothers would play in the fallen leaves that piled up around your small house.

Your brother looked back at you and Muichiro and smiled."Ηօm𝖊."

The Rules of Smooth Defiance{𝕥𝕒𝕟𝕛𝕚𝕣𝕠 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum