Chapter 2 - Weird Feelings

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At first, I thought I was going to be knocked out the entire time, but no, I finally turned around and saw what she was up to. She had a needle with her, so maybe I was right about her being some kind of school nurse. I wasn't so scared of needles, well, less than how much my friend is. All I do is put my mind off of it, or think about a song, and yeah, it's over. But this one looked different, it was a small needle, like the size of a pin, and the vaccine inside looked a bit like purple.

"Alright, turn around and this will be over in just a second." She said, calmly.

What I did, was turn around close my eyes, prepared for it, but this one, for once hurt. I opened my eyes and almost screamed a yelp out loud. I felt it go in me, release the substance thing, and it came out. The entire time, I waited for her to get it out, and I kept praying in my head for it to get out of me.

"Alright dear, it's over, your halfway finished. Move your arm around and relax."

HALFWAY? WHEN SHE SAID IT WOULD ONLY TAKE A SECOND, IT FELT LIKE A FRIGGIN HOUR! I thought to myself. Man, I get pissed sometimes.

"Am I getting another shot on my other arm?" I asked her quietly. I tried to show that I wasn't in any kind of pain, when really, I felt like I was dying.

"No hun, your done the first part of your test. Please proceed to area 1B2 for your second test." She said as she stamped a small piece of paper and handed it to me.

"Give this to the doctor there. Then, he will know you had your first test completed."

Great...I get ANOTHER test...better not be as painful as this one was.

I thought. Maybe Tori is in there too, and now she's on her way here!

I walked to the next door, or to everyone else here, area 1B2. Again, I walked in and looked around. This time, it looked worse than the last room. It had 1 chair straight in the middle, a glass door where some people were standing in, and lights. ALOT, of lights.

"Layla Parker, please proceed to the X mark on the floor. I listened and stood there, right where they wanted me too. After, that, they gave me a pill, it was a white pill, with nothing written or with any colours on it. Soon, they all just stood there, saying nothing, but just observing me. I don't know why, but I felt dizzy or tired. My eyes started to get tired....and I collapsed.



What? I woke up, and I was on a bed, my vision was blurry, and my head was dizzy. It was raining hard, so all I could hear was the shatter of the raindrops on the window. Then, Tori came up on my face and smiled.

"Hey girl your awake!" Tori shouted at me.

" what the hell am I?" I sounded drunk, but I swear I wasnt.

" your in your bed, and the test is over, now we can hang out!"

" I feel lightheaded...."

"OK then, whatever, I'll set up the PS2 and put on a horror movie."

I got up and looked around. The rain stopped and changed to flurries. I looked out the window. I had a sudden feeling that I wanted to go outside, and forget the world. I debated over if i should really do it, or not. There was a chance that I could get caught, but I didnt care, I dont know why. I grabbed my penny board and put on my hoodie. I ran out the door and locked it. I was quiet so no one heard me, and I walked little steps for a bit, and just thought about my life.

Am I actually insane? I never did any weird things, like talked to myself and argue with myself, or think about death, unless I knew I was fucked. I can't be....than why am I here?

I rode around for a while. I felt so vivid. I mean, I was a badass and all, and I like being a trouble maker...but this was something I didn't do often, in fact, it might have even been my first time doing it. I went straight to a bridge. I looked at it, and it reminded me of when I used to ride my bike with a friend named Justin, but that was my old life. I rode down a hill, which reminded me of how we use to ride down the hill. And then, I went back. I didn't know this area much, but it was easy to remember. I entered into the building and Tori jumped up in my face.

"Girl where have you been?" Tori asked me

" I just went ....out for a while..."

"OK then, c'mon! The popcorn is ready!

I settled with my sister on the couch, grabbed the popcorn and sprite, and watched a good horror movie.

Not Insane, just differentDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora