Chapter 9: Friend Or Foe?

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The guy was getting closer by every second. I know he was walking normally, but I swear it felt like he was running fast as hell. I was stunned, and stuck. They were going to know I was back, and was going to put me in a cell where I can't escape.

"Hello, who's there?"

I knew I was screwed, so I wanted to say something, but I decided not to, and keep my mouth shut. He might turn back around. Nope, I was wrong. He came straight for me.

" Anyone? nope, I think it was just my imagination. c'mon, lets go, were going to be late."

I heard them arguing and there voices got quieter until no one was there except me, the only stunned and shocked person.

"What the hell?" I quietly say to myself. He didn't notice me. I was right in front of him, and he didn't notice me. I then decided to forget about it and think of it as a lucky escape, and went for Aiden, until my hand and feet wouldn't budge. I got scared for a minute, then, I got annoyed. I kept struggling to break free, until I looked at where I was standing; INSIDE the wall. I looked at my skin tone; it had gotten way more darker, and to finally check, I grabbed my phone to check the camera and use it as a mirror. My pupils were pitch black. The WHOLE eye was. Yep. I was a shadow.


Aiden's POV

I didn't have to go through this hell. It was torture, and I hated it. They gave me about a good 50 needles, and weird tests. There were tubes all over my body, and...a lot of hair. Apparently, they know I'm a werewolf kind of guy, and they want to get rid of it. They want to make me normal again. But the thing is, I don't want to be normal again. I want to stay strong. Back then, people used to bully me for being a bit short and weak. ALOT short and weak. Even though I stayed strong and joked around with them, I knew they actually meant it, and it devastated me more than anything. Even worse than when my grandpa died. They told me I could never have strong abs and get a girlfriend. They said I was going to become a dwarf and stay as a midget. I even had to go to a hospital to see special doctors over this, and finally, they said I was always weird, and I would stay weird. they thought of me as that one weirdo that hangs out with a couple of people who think they were friends but really aren't. Now, I AM what they were. I got abs, I'm strong, and definitely not weak, and finally, I'm protective, not weird. Like I said, I shouldn't have to deal with this hell, I'm perfect


I was still a pathetic loser stuck to a wall. Was it suppose to do this?

" You seem to be in a hassle, little girl."

My heart jumped for a minute even though I didn't. I looked around, and surely, Shadow Loser was standing right in front of me, just watching me struggling while giggling to himself.

"What the fuck man, did you do this!?"

"Watch your language girl, you don't wanna upset me again."

"What? I'm speaking English....." I was pissed at him. I bet HE started all this. I wanted him dead.

"Seriously, you better not swear at me, after all, I'm here to help."

I still gave him a pissed off look. I was pinned to the wall, he was blocking my way, and Aiden was still being totured. Worst case senario, he's already dead and I'm wasting my time here.

" Why do I need YOUR help? I came alone for a reason. I got this. MYSELF."

He quickly giggled to himself and smirked. God, I hated that face of his.

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