Chapter 12: Luctor Et Emergo

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IN THE CHILLY MORNING, Evadne was getting changed out of her satin slip dress into her Slytherin robes when she'd gotten notified that her Head of House, Professor Slughorn, wished to speak with her privately. Evadne knew that the private meeting would concern her continual absence from classes and uncharacteristically'strange' behaviour - after all, she was a top student and the entire cohort had their mock examinations before the Christmas break. Rather than attending her early-day prefect duties with Tom, Evadne slid out of the Slytherin common room and meandered over to the Potion Master's quarters amidst an onslaught of Halloween decorations.

Evadne quickened her pace down the hall, before coming to an abrupt stop in front of a single door nestled in the castle stone like a scab.

She raised her hand, hesistated for perhaps a mere fraction of a second, and knocked twice. The door swung open inwards immediately, and Evadne was greeted by the plump Professor Slughorn - head of Slytherin House and esteemed potions master - grinning magnanimously up at the young witch.

"Ah! Hello, Miss Verlaine... Come on in, this will merely be a quick catch-up chat... see how you're doing and coping with prefect duties and all.."

Horace Slughorn, a stout old wizard with a walrus-like moustache and a mirthful disposition, stepped aside to allow Evadne to enter his office. He sported a waistcoat fastened over a protruding stomach and a brownish-yellow tartan suit.

"Now, you are aware that attendance is mandatory and obligatory in order to progress onto your sixth year?"

Evadne nodded as she took a seat behind Slughorn's desk. There was a gentle fire lit in the hearth behind Slughorn and an array of miscellaneous vials lined up on top of the peridot mantelpiece. Amidst the trinkets and unlabelled vials, there sat a pristine, expensive-looking hourglass that had already shed all of its sand.

"Of course, Professor."

"Pineapple slice?" he gestured to an ornate box filled with a slimey, yellowish substance. Evadne inwardly grimaced - it looked like a dog had slobbered all over it.

"No, thank you," she said politely.

"I've gotten reports from all your teachers that you have not attended a single lesson since September 29th." Professor Slughorn peered down at a piece of parchment in his pudgy hands over the top of his spectacles. "It is now October." He glanced up at Evadne.

Evadne quickly searched her mind for a sound enough explanation. "I've been feeling overwhelmed with homework and very anxious about or O.W.L's," she said.

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