The Elemental

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2 Days after the Hewa Ceremony

Steam rolled out of a circular passageway, as Sami steps out of a natural spring that formed in the Elemental. Symbols, shapes, and markings, align the walls and ceiling. Sami gazes at the walls deeply before drying himself and putting on a robe. As he steps out of the passageway he looks outside the tainted glass in awe of the Oasis.

"Ahh, Sami, I've been looking for you son!" Malik says as he walks to the glass. "We sure do live in a beautiful country, don't we?" Malik says softly looking with his son.

"Why don't you come and enjoy it sometime?" Sami remarks.

"Fine, I deserve that. What is on your mind son?" The king responds laughing.

"The only people aloud to leave are Watchers and Hewa. How are we supposed to know this place is beautiful if we can't even see the rest of the world. It's wrong that you want to conceal us forever. Us, the Arjuani, the people, we're all the same. We should stop cowering away and confront the world, who's to say we'd be killed. I hear what the people say, the world is no match for us. If we are really that powerful shouldn't we use that as a way to unite the world, they could all live like us!" Sami yells gasping for air. He looks to his father but to his avail, his father is unfazed.

"You mistake us for peaceful people. No matter how we look right now, we are just like the rest of the world. My Abu believed in changing the way we run, he is the reason we are so connected. He was killed for it. When the Oasis first formed and the lost found shelter things were peaceful for a period of time. But when more and more got here, war began. Never ending battle began. Eventually a side had to win out, that was the beginning of our lineage. Bloodshed. As our leaders began guiding, we fell victim to the rest of the world. As long as there are wars to be fought, there won't be peace. If we opened the Oasis to the world, they would view us as more space to expand. We can contain our battles but the second our enemies reach us, there will be death, too much. The Arjuani think we're unstoppable but we're not. They're smart but their family was raised to believe in a brighter world and doing whatever it takes to get there. They'll come for me soon enough, their time is coming. I can sense it, they can sense it, and so can you......" Malik states as he makes eye contact with Sami. Malik reveals his markings like his fathers. They glow blue when he shows them.

"The elemental markings? What do they have to do with this?" Sami asks confused.

"It is tradition that the Prince dawns the markings when he becomes king, but the Arjuani are expecting that. They'll kill you before you've even had the chance to realize. Come with me and we can break the cycle" Malik commands as he guides Sami to another passageway. They walk through the endless halls until they reach a larger room with two large doors. Standing by the doors are Aisha, General of the Hewa and her husband Amun, General of the Skink Corp.

"Are you sure he's ready for this Malik? It can be very dangerous, in case you didn't learn from your ceremony." Aisha says with a wide smile

"What happened at yours?" Sami asks worriedly.

"He passed out for 2 weeks. We thought he was dead but the marks kept him alive. The Elemental willed it so, apparently. However I do worry since you're not following tradition." Aisha cuts in. Amun laughs with his deep voice.

"Just set up perimeter, Aisha" Malik signals the other hidden masked Hewa perched on the rooms pillars. Sami and Malik push open the double doors and enter a dark room. The only illumination is the neon blue blood dripping from a crack in the wall. One of the streams of blood spills into a constant pot. The duo approach the pot.

"The marking calls for a strong body, strong mental fortitude and a stern will. These are all unwavering qualities you posses my son. You are safe with me. Before you drink the blood of the elemental, we must do one thing......... inhale the Hookah."

"Seriously?!? The elemental needs me to be high for this. What kinda game are you playing old man?" Sami asks shocked. Malik just gives him the pipe. Sami slowly inhales listening to the bubbling of the liquids inside the hookah. He lets out a deep breath of relaxation.

"Now we may begin....... Drink the blood" Malik says commandingly. Sami stands up and starts in on the pot. As Sami drinks Malik begins speaking.

"A user of the markings receives differing gifts, the most common include, increased strength, speed, senses, brains and reflexes. The markings grant the user with ancient knowledge of the Oasis's history and knowledge. Others have received gifts like invisibility, use of sorcery, influence of the elements, energy manipulation and more. This process will be excruciatingly painful. One more thing, don't let it kill you son. I I love you." Malik finished just as Sami finishes the pot. Sami looks around disoriented, he seems to come back to but as he tries to speak he feels unexplainable pain through every cell of his body. He feels the markings burn into him, he sees new colors, tastes new tastes, eventually he can't even process the pain it's so bad. After what feels like hours the room fades away and all he can see is a pink sandy desert. When he stands up he sees a giant figure, the rest of the Elemental's body towers above him.

He moves closer to it and begins to speak. "What's your name?" Sami asks in amazement.

"My people called me Żurshu, of the pink sands, companion to Sol, Earths star harvester. I assume you have questions. I have answers. We should start at the beginning...." Żurshu continues in dark titan sound.

"I was born to the Star Force, an elite group of star eating Elementals who serve the original source code and first Elemental. His name is unspeakable but he was an elder god assigned to furthering the developments of the creator. I was designed with the code to serve Sol alongside my other companion Lÿon. Our job was simply to occupy Earth while Sol absorbed solar energy over time to bring back to command. After seeing the human race battle we didn't mind leaving them for dead, but we began to notice a type of love and harmony we hadn't seen before. It caused us to deviate from our original source code. We gave small sections of humanity resources to fight, I gave you all, the markings, technology and the Jewel of the Pink Sands. Lÿon gave the world his fair share of resources too. Once we were prepared we took on Sol, we were no match. We were able to end his work here but at the cost of all three of our lives. My head landed somewhere in the desert and I used the last bit of my power to create a paradise." The elemental states. Sami looks around at the pink desert.

Nebula Comics: 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐬, 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐬. (Issue 1)Where stories live. Discover now