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My name is Dahlia. I know what came to your mind, yes, Dahlia like the flower. Graduating from the University in six weeks was a lot of tension for me or any other person that was in my shoes. I have a lot to tell really but let's not get ahead of ourselves. I wasn’t staying with my parents anymore. I came from a comfortable background. We weren’t totally broke like you would call it but we lived on a tight budget. I couldn’t get extras while growing up and me getting my own apartment was a big deal for me. I have always wanted my own space and I got it. I couldn’t contain my joy when I got this place. Anyways, let us move on. I walked to my class as I sat down in my regular seat. I looked around and couldn’t see any familiar face. My friends were late again. I groaned. I walked with a couple of friends, three friends actually. Jasmine, she was the queen bee of the school. She was so popular and she was hot. Everybody wanted to be her friend and they were going to kill for that but she really didn’t care. Jasmine could spend the entire weekend partying and she didn’t care about her grades but she always passed her papers. She was one lucky girl. The next on the list was Lily. Jasmine and Lily were best of friends before I came into the picture. They were the most popular girls in school and most times, I wondered how they wanted to hang out with someone like me. Well, except from the fact that I was an extremely brilliant student, I didn’t see any other reason. The third person was Daisy. I know, I know. We all had names that were inclined to nature but I guess that was how fate wanted it to be. Daisy was the boyish one out of all of us. She didn’t care about boys or make up. She didn’t care about anything really. She just wanted to live the best life. She would always say that she would retire on an island and spend the rest of her days, basking in the sun and eating till she couldn’t no more. We were the perfect group but now, they were not here. With the prom coming up, I knew that I wasn’t going to be attending because I didn’t have anything to wear, plus I didn’t have a date. I knew that Jasmine was going to offer to buy me the world but I didn’t want it. I wasn’t even down for all of that really.

“Good morning guys, today we would be talking about entrepreneurship” I heard the lecturer say as he walked into the class

I rolled my eyes and brought out my book when I looked around and my eyes met his. He was staring at me and I felt my face grow red. I could swear from now till next year to my friends that I wasn’t interested in any man but damn, Jared was everything. He had the perfect hair and the perfect eyes. He was staring at me. He was one of the popular Boys in the school and he was pretty close with Jasmine. At a point, I thought they were a thing but I later got to find out that Jasmine had a boyfriend on the basketball team.  I wasn’t interested in Jared was all I said when she asked me about him the other day but that was a lie. I was dying to have his attention but there was just this social distance between us and that hurt a little bit. It was fine though. I decided to focus on the class but I could help but look back at Jared and I saw him still staring at me. He looked away almost immediately and I smiled before looking away. I brought out my phone and texted Jasmine

“Where the hell are you?!!!” I sent the text and accompanied it with a million emojis

She didn’t respond and I knew that something was wrong. They were all not here. Did they hang out without me? Was there a sleep over? What was going on? Were they okay? Did they get into trouble? I groaned but I had to sit patiently for the class to end before I ran out of the class like something was chasing me. I ran down the hall way and got to her locker. She wasn’t there. I went to my locker and found a note there. I pulled it out and read the note

“Hey, I think I actually like you and I would like to get to know you better. I’m sorry, I might have dropped a rose in your locker and I heard it was your birthday so a friend opened your locker for me and I left a gift there for you. Happy birthday”

I looked at the back of the note and I noticed that there was no name attached to it. I looked around, hoping to see someone that could have possibly dropped the note there but there was nobody in the hallway, just me. I opened my locker and I saw a rose and a wrapped box. I didn’t know if I was supposed to open it just yet. I was about to tear the ribbon apart when I heard Jasmine scream a happy birthday down from the hall way. I groaned. I told her that I didn’t want any surprises but she wasn’t taking no for an answer. I tossed the rose, the note and the gift into my bag and zipped it up. It was probably just another prank from them. I closed my locker and walked up to Jasmine when I saw that she wasn’t alone. She was with Lilly and Daisy. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek

“I thought we agreed on no surprise” I said to her
“Well, I might have lied” she said back with a smile”

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