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Octavia's POV

With a groan, I got down from the bed. I trudged towards the mirror as I tried not to cry. It's another day without her.

Another day with Olivia. A lone tear ran down my face and soon, tears filled my face. I hated it. I hated having to be alive without her.

I palmed my face and bit on my lips. It was my favorite action to do when I don't want to burst out crying; when I don't want anyone to see me cry.

But then, the door creaked open. I put down my hands and whipped my head to the door and there was mum and… dad, with something in his hands.

I scoffed as I tried to calm the anger that was swelling in me. "I told you not to enter my…" I swallowed thickly before continuing. "Don't enter my room knocking!" I yelled out.

Dad scoffed and so did mum, "you're crying again. You look pale. I hate to see my daughter this way" dad voiced out.

"And I own myself, it's none of your business" I wiped my tears and took a step. "I want you both out of my room!" I ordered.

I hate it. I hate having to be anywhere around people. I can't cope with them. They didn't move by my yell rather they smiled.

"Forgot what today is?" Dad asked and unwrapped the gift in his hands. It's a cake. My brows furrowed as I stared at them. Who's celebrating?

"Happy birthday!" They both voiced out and I paused. Birthday. It's my birthday. "Happy birthday" mum pulled me into a hug and my tears rolled down.

I have to celebrate my birthday without Olivia? She didn't have to leave me. "Oh my god, my baby is emotional" mum patted my back and when she made to kiss my forehead, I pulled out of the hug.

Dad placed the cake on the table before turning to me, "do you want a party?" I bit on my lips as I stared at him. A party?

I know he can control anything at anytime but then a party? Because this is a celebration? I hate any day that doesn't include Olivia.

"Yes… and make sure Olivia attends" I mumbled and they both paused. "Tavia…" mum tried to touch me but withdrew her hands when she saw my glare.

Her body went cold but she hid her shock immediately, "Tavia, Olivia is gone. You're here, you have a life ahead of you. You're just 21, you need to get over her."

Her voice sounded desperate and more tears streamed down my cheeks. "I won't. She was my everything " I sobbed.

My heart ached and my insides rumbled. I needed Olivia. She was my best friend. She didn't have to leave me that soon.

"I want to be alone" I told them and dad scoffed. "Really? You want to be alone? We decorated your room, we made you a cake. We wanted you to feel special and this is what we got?"

His jaw clenched and I could see he was getting annoyed. Well, he's cantankerous. He hated my depressed self. This is not the first time he's snarling at me.

I glanced around the room and that's when I noticed it was decorated. Balloons and candle lights illuminated the room. How didn't I notice?

"We try to make you happy. We hate seeing you this way!" He fumed and I exhaled.

"Then you don't have to see me. If you hate seeing me this way, I can just leave your house. I will. Or perhaps, I can just go meet Olivia… then you'll never see me again."

"Tavia!" Mum yelled wide-eyed while dad shut his eyes. "Just do whatever you want" he barked and turned around then left the room.

"Adams …" mum tried calling him but he gave no reply. "I want to be alone!" I told mum. I flopped to my bed and rolled the blanket over myself.

If he hates seeing me, I'll leave the house. At least, I'm old enough to take care of myself. I'll include it in my plan to leave this house.

"Please, come cut the cake Tavia" my begged but I ignored. She sighed and gently leaned down to me. "I hope you heal Tavia" she whispered and pecked my forehead.

My eyes rolled and soon, I heard the door shut. I groaned as I sat up. Tears ran down my cheeks as I stared into space.

I know they're trying to make me happy but I don't need it. When they were supposed to watch over me, they didn't. They left me with a nanny.

I was down, I joined the bad gangs and I did drugs. It was just for two months but it affected me. Dad had spent his money putting me in a rehabilitation center.

Of course, I was over it but I never became the real Octavia. It was the genesis of my problems. I withdrew from everyone. Until I met Olivia.

She was the one who cracked me up. I could finally learn to smile and laugh. But then, I wasn't meant to be happy. She died and now, I'm left all alone.

But of course, I'll be fine. I wiped my tears heading to the bathroom. I did my business before coming back home.

Wearing baggy pants and an oversized shirt, I left my hair scattered on my face. I have to be somewhere. As I walked out, I sighted the cake.

I sucked in my lips contemplating on what to do. After a while, I cut a piece and hurried down the stairs to see mum and dad eating.

I took a bite from the cake before hurrying to them, "open up" I mumbled and mum did. She took a bite before I walked to dad.

"Open up" I told him but he didn't. "Open up!" My tone hardened and he scoffed. When he didn't open his mouth, I forced the cake on his lips.

"Bye" I mumbled as I headed to the door. "Where're you going?" Mum asked and I exhaled. She bothers me way too much.

Should I tell her? I turned to meet their curious stare.
"To get a house since you hate me here" I walked out leaving them surprised.

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