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Octavia's POV




They all tugged at my chest as I rolled on the bed. Why'll I even try to carry her baby?

Why'd I go to that place in the first place? I clicked my tongue and tugged on my hair.

I felt so uncomfortable even though I knew why I tried to carry the baby. Olivia loved babies so much and she'd force me to carry one.

And besides, I thought I'll feel good with other humans. Didn't know it was the other way.

Perhaps my life was shadowed into the lonesomeness I am in.

I scoffed and stood from the bed. I had to prepare. I was going to medical school today.

I dashed to the bathroom, took a bath, wore corporate wear and for the first time in months, I packed my hair.

A scoff escaped my lips as I stared at myself in the mirror. I haven't gotten a good sleep and I still look terrible.

The situation I put myself in yesterday didn't let me.

I pushed the thoughts to the back of my chest, grabbed my things and headed out of the room.

As soon as I walked into the living room, I saw mum eating from a plate of fry. She whipped her head to me and her brows knitted into an arch.


"Don't call me that" I rolled my eyes as I approached her.

"You're going to the school, am I correct?" She ducked her head towards me and I scoffed at the keen writing on her face.

"Of course I am" I rolled my eyes and settled beside her.

A silent gasp escaped her lips and before I knew it, the lines of her mouth broke into a smile, "I'm so happy."

"Goodness, your dad will be happy to hear that."

"Now here we go" I rolled my eyes as I adjusted my sock. I hadn't laid my eyes on dad since that day and I cared not.

He gave me an outburst and still got angry with me.

"Let me get you a plate of chips"

"I don't need it" I spoke up immediately. "I'm leaving now, bye" I mumbled and grabbed my sunglasses.

She mumbled a protest behind me but I turned deaf ears and walked out.

The drive to the school was fast and at once, the students chatter filled my ears as I walked gracefully to my seat.

I grabbed my notes skimming through of course, with people's gazes on me but I wasn't bad at ignoring people.

Soon a lecturer walked in and informed us of the practical test we'd be having.

The students erupted into a protest immediately asking why it was impromptu but he simply ignored it. I sighed as I packed up my things.

I watched a couple of practices on YouTube because I loved medical work a whole lot. I'll put it where my passion is.

And I find myself reading or studying even when I don't want to. I know it surprised Sienna and Nathan like he called himself.

The students headed out and I joined them too. I racked my brain as I tried to remember a few things I learned about the human body.

"You're in school?" A voice jolted into my thoughts and I turned to the owner immediately.

A silent scoff escaped my lips as I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. I hummed an answer as I walked with the rest of the students.

"How was the night? Was it good? I'd have hit you up but I thought you might need space considering your uncomfort—"

"Oh yes Nathan, I needed space" I stopped in my steps and turned to him. "I don't mind if you give me one right now."

"Okay" he mumbled with a chortle and I walked away with the rest of the students.

That wasn't right!

Again it was my subconscious.

I scoffed and turned back and of course he was still glued to the spot. His lips curled into a smile and I averted my gaze from him at once.

When I got to the laboratory, the test was as quick as I wanted. As soon as we were done while people chattered, I headed back to class.

I wanted peace and a good time to reminisce on things but luck wasn't on my side.

Sienna came along.

"Octavia" her lips broke into a smile when she reached me. And at once, she put her arms around me.

"Hope you're good" she chuckled while I remained stiff in the hug.

Memory of when Olivia had given me a first hug slipped into my head. Olivia gave the warmest of all hugs.

Sienna pulled out of the hug and settled beside me, "thanks for coming by the other day."

"Hmm" I hummed a reply as thoughts of Olivia clouded my mind.

I missed her so much.

I had to see Jason and ask questions.

I deserve to know why my friend died.

"You just had a test right?" Sienna questioned and I nodded. "I trust you did well" she chuckled while bringing out a book.

"I just want to have a quick read here" she rushed her words and I gave her a slight nod as a go ahead.

The next hour was in silence as we were both engrossed in our books. At intervals, I used my phone.

"Oh there's nothing for us right?" Sienna asked and I turned to her. She was wrapping up the book she finished reading.

"Yes, that was the only course we had"

"Thought you were just going to give me a nod" she chuckled and I kept my gaze on her.

She's always talking and laughing!

"I'm leaving, you want to tag along? Perhaps we can get to the parking lot together."

"Okay" I agreed and packed up. I was already tired of class and the chatters that kept booming in my ears.

I loved serenity a whole lot.

"So, I was actually surprised you came with Nathan. I mean I was so glad to have you in my house."

"Ohh" I released a hum and stared ahead. "I will put it in my plans to visit you one—"

"Don't" I turned to her immediately. "Don't come to visit me."

"Why?" Her brows shot up in surprise and I exhaled.

"I don't like people around me."

"You do" a voice spoke up and I spun around to see Nathan. I released an annoyed breath when he smiled.
"I'm sure you like people around you, you're not just comfortable with them."

"Oh yeah" I rolled my eyes and took a step to continue my journey when he spoke again.

"You look bright and beautiful."

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