Flash forward

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Scarlett pov

Looking around, I spot a hunter pinning Aiden with a knife, getting ready to slit his throat. Tyler bit him 3 days ago, but his wolf had yet to come out.

Racing over with a rawr, I jump onto the hunters back, rolling off and pulling her with me. I pin her, Aiden jumping up and rushing to help me as she kicks me off her.

She pulls a gun out, aiming it at the back of Aidens' head as he helps me up. I push him down, getting a bullet to my upper arm. I let out a short scream but rush at her, swiping my claws across her throat.

I feel pain and drop down. Everything seems to stop as Derek, Tyler, and Elizabeth all come over to check on me. Lizzys eyes widening in horror at my eyes now a cold icy blue.

Aiden runs over as well pushing his siblings out of the way "Scarlett what the fuck?! I had her!" He yells voice breaking.

"She... was gonna kill YOU" I growl out. "Better than you losing your innocence!" He argues.

I push him back, making him stumble, but Derek catches him. "Don't you ever say that," grabbing him by the collar, I throw him back a bit more. He stumbles again and falls.

"I wasn't going to stand there and let my packmate, especially one who still doesn't have his wolf die! You're still a baby! You're barely 16 for crying out loud, Aiden! Don't you think about how Lys and Alex would be crushed! All of us would be, it was you or her, and I chose to kill her for you. For my little brother, ok?!" I yell, finishing my rant.

He let's out a whimper, looking up at me. I let out a sigh and kneeled in front of him, pulling in for a hug.

"I'm not gonna let anyone hurt my pack, ok? Espically, you, Ryleigh, and the other humans. But you are Ryleigh are my little brother and sister." He nods, pulling back and smiling at me.

Elizabeth and Tyler offer hands to help us up. Lizzy pulls me into a hug. "You need to talk to Der," she whispers. I nod. Tyler gives me a quick hug. "Thank you,"

I walk over to Derek, I can sense he's upset. I reach for his hand, but as soon as I touch it, he pulls away.

Multiple emotions run through me all at once. "Baby?" I ask hesitantly. He shakes his head and stalks off.

"Derek!" I yell. I go to follow him, but it's Aiden who stops me, with a hand coming to rest on my shoulder. "He never wanted you to lose your innocence. It's going to be hard for him to accept. Doesn't matter whether it was for me, him, or anyone, he didn't want you to go through the guilt of taking someone's life."

Tears come to my eyes as he pulls me in for a hug "he will forever be greatful for you saving me but he didn't ever want this for you" I nod numbly as tears trail down my face.

We break apart and he grabs my hand "let's go back to the pack house" I nod and let him direct me home.

We get home, and I head upstairs and into mine and Derek's room, going into the ensuit and standing in the mirror. I flash mine eyes. Icy blue replaces the gold that I had, Laura comes in behind me. "They're beautiful no matter what you know."

I turn around, icy blue, fading to dark green, and flash a small smile at her. She hugs me. "He will get over it. But Aiden was right he never wanted this to happen to you. " I shrug,"I was expecting it to happen at some point, "

"Not the point," she says, pulling back with a sad smile.

"Come down to see the rest of us when you feel up to it. I know when Der lost his light, it was hard for him to be alone." She tells me. I nod and give a small grin that doesn't reach my eyes fully.

She leaves me alone again. Eventually, I come downstairs to the lounge room and greet everyone.

I claim a seat next to Jade and Lizzy. "As we were saying," Tyler calls out. "Scarlett lost her light today by protecting our little brother Aiden. Just because she has blue eyes doesn't mean she's a killer. Derek, Jackson and Malia are the same as well as Uncle Peter. No one treats them different, if I find out you've been treating Scarlett differently, you will answer to me and Laura. " he ends it with a growl and flash of his eyes.

I nod my thanks at him as some of the other baby betas come over. "Can we see them" Liam asks. I roll my eyes but flash them. He grins andnhis girlfriend 'oooohs' "pretty" they agree quietly. I smile.

The front door opens, revealing Derek, I hear Laura stalking towards him and then a slap. Everyone stops talking all at once to stare at the siblings. "You go over to your mate and apologise to her!" She growls at him. He bows his head and nods.

Laura walks off towards the bedrooms, Derek looks up and catches my eye. Tilting his head and flashing his eyes, a nod and follow him up to one of the only sound proof rooms in the house.

Once we get to the study, he opens the door, allowing me in. I sit on the chair, and he claims the couch. He looks at me. "Show me?" He asks hesitantly.

My eyes bleed their new icy blue. His hands rest upon my cheeks. "They're beautiful, Scarlett," he whispers. They fade back to dark green, and I smile a bit, looking up at him. I serge forward, planting a kiss to his lips. Immediately, he kisses back, a few seconds pass, and we pull apart.

"I'm sorry I ran off on you earlier. I didn't want you to go through the hurt of taking someone's life. " explains. I huff a laugh.

"Der, baby, how many wolves take a life when learning control. Malia did. You almost did. Ty and Maddie almost did, too. It's expected, and I was expecting it at some point. I knew at some point I would have to choose between my life or a packmates' life and a hunters life and pick who dies. " I tell him resting my hand on his.

He smiles at me. "I know," he murmurs.

He stands up holding a hand to me, reaching for it he pulls me up. We walk out of the study holding hands and join out family downstairs to watch a Harry potter movie marathon.

teen wolf the real familiesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin