2 - The SFIT Student Showcase

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"Ah well, this is not encouraging at all."

A few weeks after she conceptualized the idea, she was able to construct a prototype with the help of her uncle and her friends. But for some reason, she was stumped on how to make it not drop the object it was holding.

She looked at it. The robot was as big as a good book and thicker than three phones stacked on each other. It was circular in shape, like a frisbee. It was the most optimal shape she could find so far. With a sigh, she started brainstorming on how to fix him.

If Tadashi can perfect Baymax, surely, she can do this. He was able to make Baymax work after much hard work after all. She was happy for him, but she can't help but feel a bit hard on herself for not starting her own project sooner.


Two familiar faces peeked through her lab room. A tall slender girl with larger than life glasses flashed a big smile at her. A shorter athletic girl wore a smirk, something she only reserved fro her closest of friends.

"Honey Lemon, Gogo!" Elia chirped. "What's up?"

"Have you forgotten?" Gogo asked.

Elia blinked and it all came together.

Shoot. I forgot about the SFIT Showcase.

And I need to go visit Tadashi's house.

It was a good thing she had an extra set of good clothes. The weeks flew so fast that one of the best events of the year slipped her mind. She was a mess, but Honey Lemon was able to do her magic and make her look fresh. A few hours later, she was walking around the event with Honey Lemon, Gogo, Wasabi, Fred, Tadashi and Hiro, all pushing big bins full of Hiro's new invention. The place was absolutely teeming with ideas and tech. But it was also like a circus of sorts. Outrageous things were there, like a man exercising underwater and chickens with wheels.

"Wow, a lot of sweet tech here today!" Tadashi commented. He looked at Hiro. "how are you feeling?"

Hiro shrugged. "You're talking to an ex - bot fighter. It takes a lot more than this to rattle me."

"Yep, he's nervous," Gogo concluded.

"Awww," Honey Lemon gushed.

"You have nothing to fear, little fella!" Fred assured.

"He's so tense," Honey Lemon said as if talking to a child.

"No I'm not!" Hiro protested.

"Relax, Hiro, your tech is amazing! Tell him, Gogo!"

"Stop whining," Gogo stated in a deadpan voice. "Woman up."

"I'm fine!" Hiro said. Elia knew that tone of voice anywhere. He wasn't.

"What do you need, little man?" Wasabi offered. "Deodorant? Breath mint? Fresh pair of underpants?"

Elia laughed as they started to talk about underpants. She looked at Hiro. If people thought she was already a genius, Hiro would be Albert Einstein and Issac Newton combined. He was only two years younger than her, but had an innovative mind greater than anyone she knew. But with that genius comes undue pressure and pain. Something she knew all too well.

"Hiro," Elia said, putting a hand on his shoulder, "I've seen your work." She smiled at his face. It didn't betray any emotion. "You got this. The school would be dumb to not let you with what you have."

Hiro chuckled nervously. "Thanks, Elia." Just then, Hiro's name was called.

"Okay this is it!" Fred said.

"Guess I'm up," Hiro says limply.

"Okay, okay!" Honey Lemon chattered excitedly as she brought out her phone to picture the group. "Everybody say Hiro!" They all cheered for Hiro as she snapped the picture.

She found her way near the front part of the stage with Tadashi and his group. Everyone was excited for Hiro. But she remained calm despite feeling the same way as them. She treated Hiro like her equal and she knew that if she was nervous the last thing she would want is a group of frenzied smiles looking at her.

"Hi, my name is Hiro."

The microphone responded with feedback which made everyone flinch. Once Hiro recovered, he continued.

"Sorry," he apologized. "My name is Hiro Hamada and I've been working on something that I think is pretty cool. I hope you like it." He put on a headband then reached for his pocket and pulled a small black figurine out. "This is a microbot."

Elia inhaled deeply when she saw someone walk away. This was not going well. She looked back at Hiro, who was nervously looking at Tadashi. Calmly looking straight at his brother, he motioned for him to breathe. And he did.

"It doesn't look like much," Hiro continued. "But when it links up with the rest of its pals..."

He wasn't that nervous anymore when all the microbots started flooding the event. People were curious as to what was happening. Elia had to owe it to Tadashi for thinking of that strategy. More people, the better. It was brilliant.

"Things get a little more interesting," Hiro finished. He released the microbot in his hand and it flung towards its group.

Elia wanted to cheer for Hiro as he confidently explained what microbots can do. What even made her more excited was how her Uncle was evidently interested. Everyone in the showcase was interested. There was no way Hiro wouldn't get into SFIT now. She laughed when he hung upside down letting the microbots transport across the ceiling. When Hiro concluded his presentation, everyone cheered and clapped. She even spotted a robot clapping. Once Hiro went down the stage, they all rushed to congratulate him.

"That was amazing!" Honey Lemon exclaimed.


Everyone turned to see a suave looking man coming their way. Elia has met him several times before. Alistair Krei, the CEO of Krei Tech. To be honest, she never liked him for some reason. He seemed like the type of person who would do anything to get what they want.

"With some development, your tech could be revolutionary," he continued.

"Alistair Krei," Hiro acknowledges breathlessly.

"May I?" he asked.

Hiro handed him a small microbot. Krei peered at it.

"Extraordinary," he said. "I want your microbots at Krei Tech."

"Shut up." Hiro said. Elia saw her uncle approaching from the dispersed crowd.

"Mr. Krei is right!" Callaghan affirmed. "Your microbots are an inspired piece of tech. You can continue to develop them or sell them to a man who's only guided by his own self-interest."

That remark took Elia aback. Her uncle had a couple of disagreements with people, but he wouldn't bash him like this. Everyone nervously watched them bicker back and forth.

"Hiro, I'm offering you more money than any 14 year old can imagine," Krei pushed as the final straw.

"I appreciate the offer, Mr. Krei, but they're not for sale," Hiro finally said after much thought. Krei's attitude turned sour after that. For goodness sake, he almost walked off with Hiro's microbot. Elia was starting to dislike him more.

Callaghan approached Hiro and gave him a letter. "I look forward to seeing you in class," he said with a smile. Hiro's face lit up.

The whole group cheered for Hiro as they were going to make their way out. Elia was tempted to follow them when she saw her uncle sulking. It was unlike him to do this, especially on one of his favorite events. There was something off about him.

She decided to follow him, leaving the rest of the group to celebrate.

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