4 - The Hospital

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"Mr. Hamada will recover soon. But Ms. Tanaka may have to stay in the hospital for longer."

Those were the first words Tadashi heard and a flood of thoughts filled him.

Why did she do that?

She didn't have to sacrifice herself for me.

If I went in, I would have died. But she saved me.

Idiot, she's now at risk because of you.


He turned to see his younger brother near tears because he moved. Tadashi tried not to grunt when Hiro squeezed him.

"Hey, Hiro." He whispered weakly.

He turned to his left. There stood Aunt Cass and his close friend group, full of happy tears to see him conscious.

"You'll be able to get out of the hospital later this afternoon, Mr. Hamada," the nurse announced to him.

"How long have I been here?"

"About a day or two. But at least you're coming home with us," Aunt Cass said.

He smiled then turned to his right. A wave of guilt washed over him. Beside him was Elia. She was still unconscious. Her whole being was still as if she was in a coffin. The thought brought shivers to Tadashi. Why on earth would he think that?

"Elia," he whispered. He turned to the nurse, "When will she be okay?"

"It will take a few days," she replied.

Tadashi sighed to himself as he reclined in bed. Only one word entered his mind.


A day later...

Elia's eyes fluttered open. Her body felt as stiff as a wooden plank and her mouth tasted sour. She blinked to find herself in a hospital room with an empty bed beside her. Looking beside her, she saw her mom going near her with mouth agape.

"Elia?" she said. "Are you okay?"

"Tired," she grunted.

"I know. I know. Get some rest."

"How's dad?"

"He's coming to visit you after work. He stays all night here to watch over you."

She smiled at the thought but one question gnawed at her. "Is Uncle alive?"

She wished she didn't ask. Her mother's face sagged and her wrinkles creased. "No, dear. He did not survive."

Speechless, she stared back at the ceiling. Why would her uncle do such a thing? Why would he make an explosion that would result in his death? Unless...

The door burst, interrupting her thoughts. She wasn't expecting visitors. Much less the Hamada brothers. Hiro came in with his usual vigor. Tadashi had less energy than normal, which was expected. However, the two brothers had worried looks on their faces.

"Good day, Mrs. Tanaka," the brothers said in unison.

"Ah, yes, Tadashi and Hiro," Mrs. Tanaka smiled. "I've heard a lot about you from Robert." She gave a sneaky side eye to Elia. "And from Elia."

"Mommmm," Elia weakly protested. Hiro shrugged, but Tadashi was looking slightly flustered.

"Watch over her for me will you?" She said kindly to the boys. "I'll be getting her a snack." When she left, the two boys walked to her side.

"Are you okay?" Tadashi asked her with a hint of guilt in his voice. His kind voice made her heart skip a beat. She didn't know why. 

"Don't worry. I'm okay," Elia said. She smiled when she saw him look extremely relieved.

"We have something to tell you," Hiro said.

"She's still resting," Tadashi said to Hiro. "It can wait."

"Tell me what?" Elia asked.

Tadashi shot an annoyed look at Hiro.

"Someone is replicating and reproducing my microbots," Hiro said, undeterred by his brother's stare. "They were wearing a super scary mask and they chased us out!"

"Wait what?"

"They were wearing this mask!" Hiro said, shoving a drawing of the mask into her face.It was indeed a scary mask, simple looking but quite fearsome. She swore she saw it somewhere though...

Tadashi sighed. "I'll tell you the entire story. So Hiro saw the microbot in his jacket move..."

P.S. Hi readers! Hope you're enjoying the story so far. Thank you for reading my work even if I don't post frequently. I'm open to any comments and critiques from you. After all, this writing is a result of not only a "de-stresser" from life, but also my love for writing. I'm glad to hear from any of you! Also, let me know if you want me to make my pacing slower or faster :D

That's all from me! 

- thealpacawriter317

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