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Everyone involved in sealing the Samadhi fire had a descendant, child or a successor except for Nezha.

This fic fixes that.



Nezha dashed through the sky with great vigor on his golden roller blades. He was heading home to prepare to seal the Samadhi fire. He had to make sure he was in top shape for the process.

But as he approached his temple, he noticed a peculiar sound. The sound of a baby crying. Confused, Nezha tried to look for the source of the crying and noticing a basket in front of his temple. The celestial flew down to the basket to see what was going on.

Nezha looked inside the basket to see a piece of paper and a baby with dark grey light grey-tipped hair and freckles. The baby quickly stopped crying upon seeing him. Confused by the baby, he picked up the piece of paper and spoke.

"I'm sorry, I've made a mistake. Please take care of my child. As a disciple of Quanyin, I cannot be anywhere with her. Your older brother, Muzha." Said Nezha reading the paper out loud before crushing it in his fist as a vein popped on his forehead. "That irresponsible- I can't take care of a child! I'm not- what gave him the idea that I was- ugh"

Nezha continued to grumble for a few minutes before turning to his baby niece. Nezha wanted to believe it was just a joke or a prank, but that was indeed his brother's handwriting and the baby was real and it's energy was similar to his own. She was definitely his niece. But he couldn't take care of her.

"Look, I can't take care of you." Said Nezha angrily. "I'll just give you to someone who can take care of you."

As if understanding his words, the baby started to wail and cry loudly causing the celestial to panic.

"H-hey, I'm just doing the responsible thing!" Exclaimed Nezha in a panic. "Stop crying!"

The baby did not stop crying. Nezha could only grumble angrily in response, cursing his brother in his mind.

As if to spite Nezha even more, Wukong suddenly appeared on a cloud with an urgent expression on his face.

"Nezha! We gotta go!" He exclaimed in a panic. "We have to seal the fire now!"

"Now?!" Asked Nezha in shock. "I thought there's still some time?"

"Not anymore!" Replied Wukong with a frown. "We have to- wait, is that a baby?"

Nezha froze in place as Wukong quickly picked up his niece with a smile on his face.

"Aww, you never told me you had a kid." Said the Monkey King as he squished the baby's face, making her uncomfortable.

"Because I don't." Replied Nezha swiping away his niece from Wukong's hands. "She's my niece. My brother broke the rules and had a child. Then, he decided I was the right person to RAISE HER!"

Wukong paused. "Ah, I'm sure you'll do great." He said cheerfully before pulling Nezha onto his cloud. "Now let's go!"

"Wait- the baby!"

Nezha panicked with the baby still in his hands. Wukong wasn't stupid enough to take the baby with them, right? RIGHT?!

"It'll be fine." Wukong waved off Nezha's worries. "I'll be there, you'll be there even DBK. Le' go!"

Without even hearing Nezha's opinion, Wukong dashed through the sky with Nezha and the baby behind him rushing towards where they'll seal the Samadhi Fire.

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