Noodles or Death

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In the Monkie gang's sea-crate base.

"Finally! After days of waiting, it finally finished upgrading!" Exclaimed Ai Lin happily as she held a small cat totem. "My healing totem! Injuries no more!"

The reincarnated celestial cheered happily from a room where she sat alone holding her totem.

"I should show this to Sandy." She said happily as she held her totem and started running towards where Sandy was.

It's been quite a while since the big guy asked her to stay with him and she had to admit, the man was a saint. It was as if the word good manifested itself in glorious Lego form. He never got angry, he was always nice, he made calming tea and was extremely patient her. He was the greatest guardian anyone could ever ask for.

"Sandy! Look what I have!" She exclaimed cheerfully as she entered the room where Sandy and Mei were currently hanging out.

"What is it, Lin?" Asked Sandy curiously as he saw Ai Lin with her hands behind her back.

Ai Lin immediately revealed the totem which looked a lot like Sandy's cat Mo. "A level 4 healing totem! Anyone near this magical statue gets healed and feels refreshed. Also, I modeled it after Mo!"

Sandy quickly began feeling the refreshing effects. "So breezy!" He said with a blissful expression.

But as Sandy and Ai Lin enjoyed the nice feeling of the totem, Mei glared daggers at Ai Lin making the celestial very nervous.

"Uhh, c-can I help you?" Asked Ai Lin with a weak smile, shaking in fear under Mei's terrifying gaze.

"Mei, are you still suspicious of Ai Lin?" Asked Sandy in concern.

"Duh! We don't even know if what she said about being a celestial is true!" Exclaimed Mei glaring at Ai Lin before making her sit down before tying her up and pointing a flashlight at her face. "Tell me your secret!"

Ai Lin quickly panicked and answered on instinct. "I'm not actually good at using bows!" She said in fear. "I'm just really good at visualizing math! It's like aiming with an imaginary laser pointer and a lot of relevant statistics! I'm just a nerd! A hack!"

Mei and Sandy went silent, not expecting that random answer. But Mei was still suspicious.

"Okay....tell me why you're not in the celestial realm!" Ordered Mei in an intimidating tone.

Ai Lin went dead silent. "" She said dejectedly. "Anything but that."

Mei knew this question was a bit touchy, Ai Lin refused to answer before and refused to do it now, but it was the biggest mystery in Ai Lin's story. If the celestial realm kicked her out, it could've been for a good reason.

Mei pulled Sandy away and whispered to him. "We need to get her to spill. Any ideas, Sandy?" She asked in a serious tone.

"I don't know, Mei. Lin isn't a bad person." Replied Sandy worriedly.

"But she had to do SOMETHING to get kicked out of the celestial realm." Replied Mei in a quiet serious tone. "Maybe she stole something- that's it!"

Mei immediately returned to Ai Lin and pointed a flashlight at her face again.

"Tell me...where did you get your bow?" Asked Mei in a serious tone.

"It was a gift from...someone." Replied Ai Lin dejectedly.

"Was it your uncle?" Asked Sandy curiously.

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