Castle Defense

437 20 5

Still testing the waters with this one. Really would appreciate the criticism.



"Take a deep breath. Everything's okay." Said Ailin dejectedly. "So what if he threw you away like everyone else? It's not a big deal. You don't need that stupid piece of Lego. You don't need him at all!"

Ai Lin sat down on the pavement crossing her arms. She couldn't believe her uncle betrayed her like that. But suddenly, as she kept moping on the pavement someone approached her.

It was a small innocent child. "Hey, miss. Wanna play ball with us?" They asked cheerfully.

A normal person would've probably declined politely or perhaps accepted this offer. But someone with as many trust issues as Ai Lin was far from normal.

"What kind of child goes around asking strangers to play with them?" She asked in suspicion. "What are you? Are you trying to trap me here forever?!"

The child froze before turning into a green colored demon. "Was the disguise really that bad?" Asked the demon dejectedly.

Ai Lin didn't answer the question. She didn't even hear it. She could only hear her own heart pounding in fear.

The celestial immediately stomped the ground causing the road to shift into a pillar that slammed into the demon's gut, knocking him to his knees. Without giving the demon a chance to rest, Ai Lin summoned a feathery ying and yang bow and fired an arrow as a beam of energy that sent the demon flying.

"Nope nope NOPE!" Exclaimed Ai Lin in fear before running away at high speed. "NopenopenopenopeNOPE."

Once the celestial girl made it a sufficient distance from the demons she sighed in relief.

"At least being a celestial means running isn't a problem." Said Ai Lin in relief as she leaned onto a light pole.

Sadly, before she could rest she noticed two other demons in plain daylight. They were orange with gold hair and blue with silver hair. Still terrified from her last encounter, Ai Lin started running once more.

But each time she stopped, she was met with some demon or unfamiliar creature that she didn't know was dangerous or not and started running again until she decided enough was enough.

"I can't just keep running forever." She muttered in horror. "I need to do the thing I'm good at, strategizing!"

She put a hand on her chin and began to think. She needed a base. A well protected one. Her powers would take care of that, but she also needed to eat and get clothes and so on and that meant money. But that could wait for now.

"Alright, we got the plan. We just need our base location." Said Ai Lin narrowing her eyes as she looked around her for a good location. "Too crowded, too many buildings around, no greenery, too far from the city and perfect! There!"

A clearing next to the city. That will be her house. Her fortress of solitude. An impenetrable castle that will keep her safe all thanks to her powers.

Her powers operated on five core pillars that functioned like her favorite genre of games from her past life. Strategy games! It was the main kind of game one could play on a donated computer and she grew fond of it.

The five pillars were her own attacks and barriers, deployable units, traps, terrain manipulation and mystic arts.

Using terrain manipulation, her house was built easily. Using deployable units and traps it would become the safest place in the world and nothing, NOTHING shall get past her defenses.

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