The Mayor

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Ai Lin, who was wearing a half black half white ying yang themed hoodie with grey pants and, sat on a chair inside Pigsy's noodles with Mei, MK and the others next to her. In front of them, on a podium, was a man in a suit who was supposedly the mayor.

"Thank you for this amazing turnout." Said the mayor cheerfully.

"Woo-hoo! Let's hear it for Monkie Kid!" Exclaimed Mei excitedly. "Hero of the city!"

Ailin cheered and clapped in response to Mei's words which, for some reason, got the mayor's attention for a split second.

"As mayor, I hereby give Monkie Kid the key to our fair city." Said the Mayor with a creepy smile as he gave MK the key.

"Um, uh, what does this key do, exactly?" Asked MK curiously.

"Oh, you'll love this. It has the power to open anything!" Replied the mayor cheerfully.

"Ooh, anything?" Asked Mei cheerfully. "Like a pet shop full of puppies?"

The Mayor flashed a terrifying smile. "Yes. Or the door to a lion's cage, or an orphan's piggy bank, an imprisoned mystic power source. Whatever you like! Today, you can do no wrong. You've got my permission. 'Cause I'm the mayor!" He said before disappearing into smoke.

"Huh. I'm starting to think that's maybe not the mayor." Remarked Mei calmly.

"I don't think he's even human." Added Ailin narrowing her eyes.

But unlike Ailin, MK only focused on the key. "Wow. A key that can open anything."

Ailin turned to MK and placed her hand on her cheek. "Why do I feel like that key's gonna unlock some super powerful final boss?"

"Hmm, maybe it's the skeleton face." Replied Mei inspecting the key.

"Maybe." Replied Ailin with a shrug. "I'll be around here in case it actually turns into a boss fight."

MK and Mei nodded before they dashed to enjoy the key together.

Seeing that the two were gone, Tang turned to Ailin with a determined expression. "Shall we continue discussing your family tree?"

"Nope." The celestial deadpanned before promptly leaving the noodle shop.

Ailin quickly started heading back to Sandy's to stay away from Tang's pestering. But before she could take more than five steps, she slammed into someone and was knocked back slightly.

"Sorry, I-" Ailin said before noticing who she bumped into. "Mayor? What are you doing here?"

"Who? Me? I was just strolling around." Replied the Mayor cheerfully. "What are YOU doing here? Did something happen?"

"No." Said Ailin feeling wary of the mayor. "I just needed some fresh air."

"Is it because of any...destructive urges?" Asked the mayor with a creepy smile.

Ailin jumped back. "Am I supposed to have destructive urges?" She asked glaring at the man.

"Are you?" Asked the mayor cheerfully.

Ailin slowly backed away. The Mayor clearly knew something she didn't. Did she eat something weird today or something? She asked herself but found no answer. Maybe the key he gave MK had something wrong with it.

"Where are you going?" Asked the mayor seeing Ailin getting farther and farther away. "Don't you wanna learn a bit about yourself?"

"No." Replied Ailin as she started leaving faster.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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