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Some of you have been getting the wrong idea of Ai Lin's relationship with the Samadhi fire. She never absorbed it. She just deflected it. She doesn't have the flames.



Ai Lin slept in her room in blue pyjamas snoring loudly. The celestial's face suddenly twisted into one of fear as she stayed asleep.

"No." She said as she writhed her sleep. "Please. Don't go."

The girl continued to writhe around and move in a panic in her sleep before suddenly, the everything started to violently shake around her snapping her awake.

The celestial immediately started to panic upon waking up. She quickly hid under her bed and used her powers to reconstruct the walls in a way that holds everything in place. Then as suddenly as it had appeared, the shaking stopped.

"Phew." Said Ai Lin in relief clutching her chest. "Thought I'd die there."

Ai Lin looked all around her, checking for any damages and if her traps were still active. But found that they all disappeared. Even the one under the carpet.

"Huh? They're all gone?" Asked Ai Lin scratching her head in confusion. "How? And when?"

As the celestial wondered what was going on, the door to her room suddenly slammed open. Sandy was on the other side of the door.

"Ai Lin, we need to talk." Said Sandy crossing his arms with a frown.

Ai Lin quickly panicked. Sandy NEVER frowns! Countless questions filled her mind. Did she do something bad? What was it? How bad was it for SANDY to frown? The man was a saint!

"I'm tired of keeping a freeloader here." He said in a stern tone before handing her bags full of clothes. "I've already packed your stuff. You leave today."

Ai Lin's heart sunk deeper than it ever could. She froze in place trying to process what she had just heard. She was getting thrown away again, she thought.

Without warning, Sandy placed her outside the house and slammed the door shut; leaving her outside. Tears formed around Ai Lin's eyes as she stared at the door in shock.

The celestial stayed in one spot for several minutes before turning around and slumped as she walked away in her pyjamas.

Her worst nightmare had come true.


In Megapolis.

A defeated Ai Lin sat on a bench still in her pyjamas her eyes dead as can be with eye bags around them. The celestial had a few dog shaped dolls sitting next to her and the bags Sandy gave her on the floor.

"It's me, isn't it? I'm the problem. Everyone else has people who want them around." She muttered in a defeated tone as she stared at her hands. "What's wrong with me?"

Suddenly, MK appeared in front of Ai Lin with a crowd behind him cheering him on. Ai Lin felt a pang of envy towards the boy. Everyone liked him, everyone wanted him. No one would ever throw him away.

Unfortunately, the boy noticed her and approached her with a smile on his face. "Hey! Ai Lin. You can see these guys too, right?"

Although in hindsight it could have never been his intention, Ai Lin felt as if MK was rubbing it in her face. She scowled at the boy and spoke.

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