Chapter 4 - The Isle of the Sun

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The rest of the journey to the Isle of the Sun was smooth. They took half a day to repair the damage to the vessels. The rest of the fleet proceeded ahead of them, while the four vessels stayed close together, eager to prevent any other attack. Ernst continued to wear mourning attire, but began to allow himself to shift his mind from grief. He invited Varren and Avala to join him, Raleph, Galaric and the ranking officers on the Elder Dancer for dinner one evening. The officers sat at one end of the table while the younger people sat at the other end. There, they learned that Avala was a fellow paladin-hopeful. Tokbugh, her home, was a port on the western continent which was often harassed by privateers from Botester, where Varren was from. He offered no apology, and the meal passed in icy silence until Galaric broke the silence by asking for a story from someone at the table. He said he would not share, since, being raised in Kilrough, he "had no story worth sharing since next to nothing happened in that town."

"Surely something has happened of worth there," Avala said, setting down her knife. "After all, it is the only majority human settlement in a country of centaurs."

"Majority human, yes," Raleph piped up. "But it is still a small town, more of a trading outpost, really."

"You've been there?" Galaric asked.

"Once," Raleph replied. "My sister Caliria and I went with our master Eamon there to learn from a druid of one particular tribe who specialized in potions."

He went on to share that he had grown up as something of an orphan, adopted together with his twin sister by Eamon. They traveled often, learning magic from all corners of the eastern continent. As the conversation shifted, to the backgrounds of Avala and Varren, the latter was careful to avoid admitting to any privateering acts of his own. While he spoke, Avala seemed on the verge of bursting out with something, but held her tongue.

Soon after this, the dinner ended, and each person returned to their own vessel. Outside, an orange glow encased the horizon.

"We're getting close, now." Alec crossed his arms, a note of satisfaction in his voice. "Right on course, repairs notwithstanding.

The orange glow grew more intense each day, appearing even during noonday. On the fifth night of travel, the brightness of the glow made sleep difficult. Finally, midway through the last day, it disappeared, and an island burst into view, piercing the horizon.

"There she is, Kauu Hy, and the Isle of the Sun," Alec, peering through a telescope.

Galaric peered through a borrowed telescope at the island. "Two islands?"

"Aye, lad." The sailor said. "They connect at low tide. The one on the left is Kauu Hy, a fishing village at a large harbor, and that's where we're headed. To the right is the larger island, where the temple to Uther and Istune is. We'll be waiting in harbor for a few days for the fleet to gather before approaching Talagai together. You'll be heading to the Isle once we dock, I reckon, to see the temple there."

As they drew nearer, details appeared on the islands. Kauu Hy was small and rocky. The Isle of the Sun rose above it like a towering brother, a smoking volcano at the center. The Isle was covered in lush vegetation save for the volcano, which was a stark black color against the vibrant greenery. A set of buildings were set into the volcano about halfway up its slope.

"That's the The Temple of the Sun," Raleph said. "According to legend, this is where Uther and Istune bested a giant and ascended to godhood. Now, warrior monks tend to the temple in much the same way that the paladins guard the Talagian temple."

"Warrior monks," Galaric said, intrigued. "What does that mean?"

"It means they fight with their fists," Valin Kyor said, striding forward. Galaric turned to face the centaur. Valin stroked his salt-and-pepper beard and continued, "We'll be picking up some of them for the academy, or so I hear."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2023 ⏰

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