Awake(Mr Plant)

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Mr Plant was slipping in and out of his consciousness, trying to wake up.

Mr Plant soon got control over his consciousness, and woke up.

"Where am I? Am I still in Argos house? Who's bed am I in?" Ran through Mr Plants mind, trying to stay awake.

Mr Plant soon saw Argos, sitting on a chair by the bed he was in, sleeping .Mr Plant put his hand on Argos leg to awake him.

Argos finally woke up, "H-huh?" He muttered. And then yawned and stretched after waking up.

Argos eyes ran from Mr Plants hand, to his arm and then to Mr Plants body.

Argos only has two working eyes, the others don't work unless he his in danger, then they work.

It acts as a 360 vision like a bird of pray, it helps to protect him.

"Mr Plant?"

Mr Plant nodded in response.

"Oh thank goodness you are alright!" Argos said, happily.

He sounded like he was going to cry.

He soon got himself back to reality.

"I am going to make some green tea, you can sit up but please don't stand." Argos said, standing up from the chair by the bed.

Mr Plant got up and looked up at Argos, who was not moving so then Mr Plant tilted his head in confusion as why he wasn't moving.

Argos leaned over Mr Plant, then put his hand on Mr Plants head.

Mr Plant didn't know what was happening.

Then Argos kissed Mr Plant on the head.

Mr Plant was in shock of what had just happened, he was confused on why Argos did that.

Then Argos left the room, doing down stair to make the tea he was talking about.

"W-wha? What was that about? Was it a get well soon gift? I don't know why he did that!" Mr Plant had said in his mind.

"I- I think he like me, but I- I don't think so! M-maybe?" Mr Plant said, when replaying that happened in his mind.

Then Mr Plant heard Argos going up stairs, then placed the tea made for Mr Plant on the bed side cabinet so he could reach it but was still lost in thought.

"I am going to call Blossom so she can come and pick you up, the storm has calmed down!" Argos had said snapping Mr Plant out of his thoughts.

Then Argos went down stairs.

Mr Plant got out of bed and left the tea and went over to the top of the stairs to listen into what Argos was saying to Blossom.

"Hello, is this Blossom?" Asked Argos.

Though it was hard to make it out, he could hear something Blossom was saying.

"Ohhhh~~~ We-l it's s- ni-e to ta-k to y— A-g-s~ what d- y-u ne-d?" Blossom was louder at some parts of the call.

"Mr Plant is inside my house and has just woken up from after his injuries have been healed. Can you come and pick him up?" Argos replied.

"Oh m-! Y-s y—, I kn-w a-out th-t the st-rm but I didn't k-ow bo-s got hu-t! Is -e now okay?"

"Yes he is, so don't worry."

They were still talking when Mr Plant started to walk down stairs.

"Okay, w-ll I will p-ck him -p!"

"Okay thanks Blossom, see you soon. Like I said, I am in void 213"

"Right! B-e -ye!"


Argos put down the phone, ending the call when Mr Plant hugged Argos and putting his head on Argos' head.

"Mr Plant, I told you not to leave the bedroom! Hehe... you dummy!"

Mr Plant didn't move, as if he was still in a daze.

Soon they move over to the couch when Mr Plant pointed to the book case that fell on him, knocking him out.

"Oh the book case? You were out from Wednesday to today! Friday!"

Mr Plant was taken by surprise, grabbing the couch.

"Let's wait until Blossom here!"

Mr Plant nodded and got into a comfortable position by easing his muscles and Argos leaned on him.

(698 words)

His emotional support boyfriend (mr plant x Argos fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now