Little problems(Mr Plant)

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"HEY! Why did you-"


"HOLY FUCK BOSS!" Blossom shouted, swerving to the side.

She could barely park right because of the speed she was going.

"FUCKING HELL BOSS! WHY DID YOU BREAK THE FRONT WINDOW AND YOUR WINDOW?!"Blossom shouted, heavy breaths between her words.

Soon she parked and then looked at Mr Plant for what he had just Done.

"Listen... I can see that you are upset, but that's no reason to do this!"

Mr Plant was still frowning from the information that was just given to him.

Mr Plant moved his mouth into a smiling position like it would be usually.

Blossom looked at Mr Plant's face then his body, starting to see blood.

"Fuck, boss?" Blossom said.

Mr Plant looked at her and tilted his head.

"You cut yourself on the glass when it broke into, like, a million pieces." Blossom sighed.

Mr Plant looked down and started to try and pull out the glass in his leg.

Blossom hit his hand away from his leg.

"No! You shouldn't do that! I will help you once we get to my house, okay Boss?" Blossom said.

Blossom got out of her car and walked to Mr Plant's side of the car.

Soon little, shiny diamonds started to appear near the broken glass.

And as soon as they came, they left, making a glass covering so if any police drove by, they wouldn't get in trouble.

Then the same happened with the front window and she got back in the car then started to drive again, getting on to the road.

"Okay.... Listen, I know that was partially... No it was my fault, And I should of told you before hand so you would not have acted like that.

And Now we are both hurt and I will take full blame for this accident, just don't go telling Diamond about this, okay Boss?"

Now we are both hurt..?

Mr Plant looked at blossom as she was starting the engine.

'Blossom' got hurt by Mr Plants actions.

'Blossoms' legs were bleeding too, but not as bad as Mr Plants legs.

Soon, before they both knew it, they were at Blossoms house.

Blossoms house was a mixture of pink and blue. Blue flooring and pink walls, everything else was a normal colour or both colours together.

Blossoms house looks like a shrine or a Japanese temple that people would pray in to get forgiveness from God.

Though, Blossom was no God, and she doesn't even come close to a God like her sister does.

Blossom is more as if she was the devil but in a cute little fox body that no one would seem to suspect that the devil is among them as they walk.

Diamond is kind, caring and is a therapist. Which the people of the void need many of because almost everyone has seen a loved one die in front of them.

Mr Plant knows that feeling of loss of a loved one.

Meanwhile, Blossom is violent, blood thirsty and cruel...

But she can be nice as well.

One time on a mission, they were killing humans that had killed many humans as well as they had, and there was a child on site.

The child did nothing wrong but was dragged into that whole mess and couldn't get out of it until they died, which was that day.

Blossom took the kids hand and walked her to her car and gave her a sweet then went back inside to finish the job.

Then they came back and they all got in the car with the girl then drove away, still with that child in the back with Jackie.

Now, that girl has a new name, Alexandra, and now is living with Blossom as well as having a good school to got to.

Alexandra calls Blossom 'Mama' because she is the closest thing she has to one.

"Mama! Your home!" Alexandra came running, than jumped into Blossom's arms.

Alexandra is very short, as she is only 5 years old. Her hair is very short, someone could mistake her for a little boy.

She has purple hair and eyes, and Blossom thinks she is a neko or a kitsune but she doesn't know.

"Mama, what happened to your legs? You are hurt!"

"Oh? I am just fine dear! Just something had happened on the way here! So we are alright so don't worry sweetie."

"Okay Mama, but who is that plant guy?"

"His name is Mr Plant and he is Mama's boss so we take care of each other!"

"What's his first name? Is it just Mr Plant or is it something plant? I am very confused right now Mama..."

"It's just Mr then Plant, first name is Mr and last name is Plant."

Alexandra seemed happy with that answer and took Mr Plant's hand and dragged him into the shrine that is their home.

Then, Blossom took Mr Plant to her room while Alexandra was making coffee for Mr Plant and green tea for Blossom.

Blossom got something out of her med kit and got the glass shards out of Mr Plant's and her legs.

"Okay, I am going to get changed so can you-"

Mr Plant was already at the door, walked out then closed it behind him.

"My goodness, what a gentlemen! Hehe!" She giggled to herself, loud enough that Mr Plant could hear it outside of her room and down the corridor.

"Mr, I have made your coffee!" A small voice came from behind Mr Plant.

Mr Plant sat down on the floor and took the coffee from Alexandra, who was also holding green tea.

"Mr... What do you think I am? A neko or a Kitsune, orrrr something else?"

Mr Plant shrugged to her question.

"Okay, one moment Mr"

"Mama! Is Mr going to stay here for tonight or is he leaving soon?"

"It is close to midnight so he can stay here for tonight!" Blossom responded.

"OKAY! Please follow me Mr to a guest room!"

Mr Plant followed Alexandra and got to the room and settled in.

'What an odd Friday..." Went through Mr Plant's mind.

(1027 words)

His emotional support boyfriend (mr plant x Argos fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now