The poison (Argos)

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"Boss! This is really bad!"

I let go of Mr Plants arm as we both turned around to see Olive running towards us.As she stopped running, cuts were seen all over her body with mud infecting the injuries.

"Olive? What happened? Are you okay?" I shouted as I ran to her, "Where is everyone else?"

"I think I should explain the least of it, so I'm gonna dumb it down so you can get the picture. By the way, the name is Ketsui, nice to finally meet you Argos."

"Right... I-I just want to know if everyone is okay!"

"That's a problem, see I don't know who's good or not. But Miss Olive does." We glanced over to where Olive was, taking strange pills with the blood from her arm, which healed her injuries.

Olive then stumbled towards us, drifting to sleep but pulling on her hair so she didn't. "Olive, why are you suddenly so tired?"

"It's because these pills use your remaining energy to heal your injuries. I will take a quick power nap in a few minutes. What did you want to ask me?"

"Is everyone okay?" I stammered, my breath connecting with the thin air.

The thunder came close, rain and wind yanked the most frail plants from the ground in a burning rage.

"Death is silent and will not show itself until the time is right. The poison we consume is the only thing keeping us alive. The poison. The very poison we hate. The very poison we love. The poison is consuming us too." Her breath was heavy and barely above a whisper.

Our eyes darted faster than a gun to each other. I tried to speak, but the wind interrupted me.

"I have no idea what happened there, but Alex is there and has taken our friends and family. We do not abandon our family, and blood is not thicker than the desire we share. We are going back there." Ketsui started to choke on his words, his eyes were watery.

"And please remember this Argos. Remember this for everyone's safety. He is the enemy, he is the villain, he is the one we need to get rid of. Do not let your heart get in the way of this mission. Please. I beg of you. Do not be nice."

Olive placed her hand on Argos' small shoulders and pulled him in. Her hands lowered to Argos' back as she hugged him.

Ketsui's eyes lowered to the grass, soft and green and red tips and tall. He hugged himself. He let go of his hold on his tears as they ran down his face.
"I'm... I'm only... Only 15... But I will give up my life if needed." He spoke to himself.

The taller green flower moved closer to the smaller fiery boy. Mr Plant placed his hand on Ketsui's head.

"Thanks... I know you don't understand but thank you... Sir."

(491 words)

His emotional support boyfriend (mr plant x Argos fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora