~Love Raised To Power Square

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Love is a many splendored thing,But love raised to power squareIs a force that can't be ignored

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Love is a many splendored thing,
But love raised to power square
Is a force that can't be ignored.
It's invisible, but still exists.

It's a power that can move mountains,
It's a power that can change lives.
It's a power that can make you whole,
Or it can tear you apart.

Love raised to power square is a risk,
But it's a risk worth taking.
Because if you're lucky enough to find it,
It's a love that will last a lifetime.

It's a love that will make you laugh,
It's a love that will make you cry.
It's a love that will make you feel alive,
And it's a love that will never die.

So if you're looking for love,
Don't settle for anything less.
Because love raised to power square is the real thing,
And it's the only kind of love that's worth fighting for.

~ BabyGinger ❤️

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