Prolgue: Welcome to The Neighborhood

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Nivea POV

My name is Nivea Sunshine. I'm a 25 year old fashion designer who lived in city for almost 3 years and was born into a middle class family and is known for designing dresses since adulthood. A well known prominent woman with such elegance and class, I've appeared in so many magazines at the height of my fame. Sure I don't usually enjoy this type of attention, it just happens. I'm the oldest daughter of the wealthy family as well as the 5th generation of my kind. My sister Imani is 16 years old.

Growing up I had been taught all my life to be prepared to be independent when I reach such age. My life became better everyday but sometimes, I just wanted to get away from it all. Such as the media and the city. Missing my suburban home and lots of my friends I known in my life, I've dreamt of moving away to have a more peaceful lifestyle without any photographers in my sight. I've managed to reach out to my friend, Julie Joyful. A classmate of mine who is still popular and doesn't mind the attention she gets because of her joyful nature. We've kept in touch every other day until I asked her for a favor, in helping me find a nice house where it's peaceful and more quiet. She then thought of one place that fits me, which is where she lives.

Julie calls it the neighborhood and even showed me photos of the place and I quickly said yes after noticing a vacant residence, big enough for my private space. Plus I can open a boutique in the neighborhood too while at it.

City life is fun and all but sometimes it can be a real pain, I miss being in the suburbs where its peaceful and not noisy but is perfect enough for me to chill and unwind whenever I'm not busy creating new ideas designing and making new fashionable fabrics. Most of all I miss my family as well, sometimes I wonder what are they up to even though I call now and then daily. Kinda thinking about it, maybe after I unpack my things at my new place, I'll give them a call and them know that I just move not far from them, and who knows... They'll just come on by for a house warming gathering.

While I was thinking and sitting in the passenger seat of the car, Julie had that cherry smile on looking extremely happy. Hinting we are here already.

"Here we are the Neighborhood, beautiful isn't it?"

We ended up passing a lot of stores and boutiques as well as other things. Neighbors can be seen walking down the street, some with their kids and others gathering on occasions. Apartment complexes are also not far as well as we come up to more houses upon houses, each and every corner. After a 7 min arrival, I looked up and found my new house that I'll be residing in permanently.

My eyes widened as I noticed another house next to mine, looking dead at me as my blood ran cold, getting goosebumps suddenly I freaked out a little.

"Um Julie no offense but what the heck is that? I never seen a house that comes alive and has eyes!" I asked terrified as Julie giggles.

"Oh that's Home. He's always like that greeting people, old and new." She said as I looked back at again and see it already looking away.

"So who lives in that house anyway?"

"Wally lives there. He's your next door neighbor, he might be out with Frank and Barnaby but you'll get a chance to meet them eventually." Julie reassures me as I still felt a little uncomfortable about Home.

As the moving truck came to halt, Julie and I got out of the car as I deep breath, taking in the scenery.

At last my brand new beginning...

"Thanks for helping me with these dang boxes Julie." I said stretching my back while the movers unloaded my furniture into the living room.

"No sweat, anything for my best friend. I still can't believe you choose to move out here. Imma take a guess being in the city way too long can be difficult, I know this cause I used to live out there myself!" She exclaimed.

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